Full Index of A.N.A.L.O.G. Computing Magazine
Send any comments and corrections to lbaeza at yahoo dot com
Issue 01 - January/February 1981
Issue 02 - March/April 1981
Issue 03 - May/June 1981
Issue 04 - 1981
Issue 05 - 1982
Issue 06 - 1982
Issue 07 - 1982
Issue 08 - 1982
Issue 09 - 1982
Issue 10 - 1983
Issue 11 - April/May 1983
Issue 12 - July/August 1981
Issue 13 - September/October 1983
Issue 14 - November/December 1983
Issue 15 - January 1984
Issue 16 - February 1984
Issue 17 - March 1984
Issue 18 - April 1984
Issue 19 - June 1984
Issue 20 - July 1984
Issue 21 - August 1984
Issue 22 - September 1984
Issue 23 - October 1984
Issue 24 - November 1984
Issue 25 - December 1984
Issue 26 - January 1985
Issue 27 - February 1985
Issue 28 - March 1985
Issue 29 - April 1985
Issue 30 - May 1985
Issue 31 - June 1985
Issue 32 - July 1985
Issue 33 - August 1985
Issue 34 - September 1985
Issue 35 - October 1985
Issue 36 - November 1985
Issue 37 - December 1985
Issue 38 - January 1986
Issue 39 - February 1986
Issue 40 - March 1986
Issue 41 - April 1986
Issue 42 - May 1986
Issue 43 - June 1986
Issue 44 - July 1986
Issue 45 - August 1986
Issue 46 - September 1986
Issue 47 - October 1986
Issue 48 - November 1986
Issue 49 - December 1986
Issue 50 - January 1987
Issue 51 - February 1987
Issue 52 - March 1987
Issue 53 - April 1987
Issue 54 - May 1987
Issue 55 - June 1987
Issue 56 - July/August 1987
Issue 57 - September 1987
Issue 58 - October 1987
Issue 59 - April 1988
Issue 60 - May 1988
Issue 61 - June 1988
Issue 62 - July 1988
Issue 63 - August 1988
Issue 64 - September 1988
Issue 65 - October 1988
Issue 66 - November 1988
Issue 67 - December 1988
Issue 68 - January 1989
Issue 69 - February 1989
Issue 70 - March 1989
Issue 71 - April 1989
Issue 72 - May 1989
Issue 73 - June 1989
Issue 74 - July 1989
Issue 75 - August 1989
Issue 76 - September 1989
Issue 77 - October 1989
Issue 78 - November 1989
Issue 79 - December 1989
- Parlez-vous PASCAL? by Charles Bachand.
- LISTEN/Music Composer by Mike Des Chenes.
- Basic Sounds by Russ Walter.
- Five Star Treks, Count 'Em, Five! by Lee Pappas.
- How To Almost Become A Star Commander by Lee Pappas.
- Video Computer System Update by ANALOG.
- Graphically Speaking by Russ Walter.
- ATARI Stock & Bond Analysis by Peter Pappas.
- Bugs & Bytes by Mike Des Chenes.
- In The Spotlight by ANALOG.
- New Products
- Tank Trap Review
- Kurta Graphics Tablet Review
- Mountain Shoot Review
- IRIDIS #2 Tutorial Review
- 810 & DOS II Review
- ATARI Mailing List Review
- BLOCKED (game) by David Bohlke.
- Maze Rider (game) by Charles Bachand.
- SUB (game) by Lee Pappas.
- Disk Files: Using Note & Point by Jerry White.
- You're Wasting Arrays by Charles Bachand.
- Player/Missile Graphics by Joseph Trem.
- Unleash the Power of ATARI's CPU by Ed Stewart.
- A Graphics Clipping Routine by Tom Hudson.
- Machine Language to BASIC Conversion by Paul Hoffman.
- Assembler/Editor: A Non-Tutorial by Charles Bachand.
- Decision Maker by Mike Des Chenes.
- ATARI Energy Czar by Mike Des Chenes.
- Mosaic 16K Memory Upgrade Kit by Tom Hudson.
- CE Software: War At Sea by Lee Pappas.
- ATARI Calculator by Peter Pappas.
- VersaWare: Mind Bogglers-1 by Mike Des Chenes.
- The ATARI printers: 820, 822, 825
- Balance Your Checkbook by Charles Bachand.
- Cannon Dual by David Bohlke.
- Music Decomposer by Charles Bachand.
- Download Terminal! by Bob Hartman & Lee Pappas.
- Editorial by Mike Des Chenes.
- Reader Comment
- ATARI News
- New Products
- Rumors
- The Game Room by Tom Repstad.
- VCS Update by Lee Pappas.
- LISTEN by Mike Des Chenes.
- User Groups
- Bugs & Bytes
- In The Spotlight
- Bassnotes In BASIC by Jerry White.
- 32K Boards: A Profile by Lee Pappas.
- Assembler/Editor: A Non-Tutorial by Charles Bachand.
- Quality Software Assembler by Charles Bachand.
- BASIC A+ by Jerry White.
- Program In Style by Lee Pappas.
- LJK Word Processor by Tony Messina.
- Swifty Software File-It by Mike Des Chenes.
- ATARI Touch Typing by Bill Latino.
- ATARI Missile Command by Lee Pappas.
- Target Blockade & Battle Warp by Phil Baker.
- Systems Status by Robert Hartman.
- Towers of Hanoi by Ricky Knopman.
- Target Shoot by Steve Smith.
- Sketch Pad by Henrique Veludo.
- Upload Terminal! by Robert Hartman.
- Editorial by Lee Pappas.
- Reader Comment
- ATARI News
- Rumors
- New Products
- VCS Update by Lee Pappas.
- Bugs & Bytes by Mike Des Chenes.
- Basic Disk Utilities by Jerry White.
- Assembler/Editor Non-Tutorial by Charles Bachand.
- Sands of Mars by Tony Messina.
- Starbase Hyperion by Mike DesChenes.
- Starship Duel by Mike DesChenes.
- Lunar Lander by Mike DesChenes.
- Conflict 2500 by Leslie Lakow.
- Rescue at Rigel by Charles Bachand.
- Galactic Quest by Lee Pappas.
- Asteroids by Lee Pappas.
- Space Chase by Mike DesChenes.
- Spellbound by Phil Baker.
- AstroQuotes by Jerry White.
- Text Wizard by Bill Latino.
- ATARI Spanish by Mike DesChenes.
- CCA Data Management by Steve Singer.
- Versawriter by Mike DesChenes.
- Darts by Ricky Knopman.
- Morse 800 by Robert E. Alleger.
- Program Condenser by Modesto Alvarez.
- Comp III by David Bohlke.
- Lister by Bob Hartman.
- Editorial by Mike Des Chenes.
- Reader Comment
- Atari News
- New Products
- Game Room by Tom Repstad.
- VCS Update
- Bugs & Bytes by Mike DesChenes.
- 3-Dimensional Graphs by Tom Hudson.
- Stopwatch by Craig Patchett.
- Player Missile Graphics by Robert LaFerla.
- Non-Tutorial IV by Charles Bachand.
- Atari Display List by Craig Patchett.
- Custom Characters Graphics by Tony Messina.
- More on Peeks and Pokes by George Smith.
- Laser Disk by Bill Latino.
- Asteroids Controller by Rick Rowland.
- Shooting Gallery by Tony Messina.
- Jawbreaker by Phil Shafer.
- Eastern Front by Jerry White.
- Filemanager 800 by Tony Messina.
- Fantasyland 2041 by Craig Patchett.
- Atari Graphics Package by Tom Hudson.
- Dynacomp Text Editor by Bill Latino.
- Trick Tutorials by Jerry White.
- Mailing List by Garry J. Patton.
- Editorial by Lee Pappas.
- Reader Comment
- Atari News
- New Products
- VCS Update by Lee Pappas.
- Using Display List Interrupts by Joseph T. Trem.
- Run BASIC Automatically by Indy ATARI Club.
- Assembler Code Subroutine Adder by Sol Guber.
- Pirating!
- Speeding up BASIC by Robert Rochon.
- Variable Lister by Tony Messina.
- Non-Tutorial V by Charles Bachand.
- A Low Bucks Memory Upgrade by Robert Meyer.
- Disk Menu by Henrique Veludo.
- Pool 1.5 by Tom Hudson.
- PacMan & Centipede by Lee Pappas.
- Intec 48K Board by Tom Hudson.
- Assem/Ted by Tony Messina.
- Caverns of Mars by Shimane Oderkirk.
- Dodge Racer by Tony Messina.
- Nuke Sub/Galaxy Defender by Tony Messina.
- Crush, Crumble & Chomp by Tony Messina.
- Graphics Composer by Phil Mork.
- House of Usher by David & Sandy Small.
- Protector by Craig Patchett.
- Maniac by Rick Messner.
- Typing Trainer by Regena.
- Editorial by Mike DesChenes.
- Reader Comment
- Benioff At Large
- New Products
- The Program Doctor
- VCS Update by Lee Pappas.
- ATARI:2019 by Patrick J. Kelley.
- Restore Your Mental Health by Mike Sueirro.
- The Program Doctors at C.E.S. by Marcia and Gary Rose.
- Non-Tutorial VI by Charles Bachand.
- Stereo Graphics Tutorial by Brian Moriarty.
- Make Your Own 3-D Glasses by Brian Moriarty.
- BASIC Crossword Puzzle by Peggy Knoble.
- K-Dos by Jerry White.
- Raster Blaster by The Program Doctors.
- The Percom Double-Density Disk Drive by Winston Lawrence.
- APX Stereo Graphics Package by Brian Moriarty.
- BUNCRUSH by Tony Messina.
- Dino Battle by Art V. Cestaro.
- Faster Character Dumps by Joseph T. Trem.
- Soundlab by Dave Hallowell.
- Budget Worksheet by Aly Kahn.
- Multiprocessing by Mark Chasin.
- ATARI BASIC/ Meets Complex Data Structures by Raymond T. Tillman.
- Triple Threat Dice by Michael A. lvins.
- Editorial by Lee Pappas.
- Reader Comment
- Benioff at Large by Marc Benioff.
- New Products
- Index to Advertisers
- VCS Update by Lee Pappas.
- Audio in your Programs by Marc Rossen.
- Mixing CTIA & GTIA Graphics by William Hough.
- Relieve Your Floating Point Blues by Mike Sueirro.
- Beginner's BASIC by Thomas Krischan.
- On Converting to ATARI Microsoft BASIC by Richard Kalagher.
- Missing Capabilities in ATARI BASIC by Larry Seftor.
- Programmer Aids by Tom Hudson.
- Budget Programs Review by Marcia and Gary Rose.
- The Voicebox by Brian Moriarty.
- Trivia Trek by Marcia and Gary Rose.
- Lisp by Carl Patterson.
- Maniac in 32K by Stephen A. Vance.
- D:CHECK by Istvan Mohos.
- Utility #3:Disk Tool by Tony Messina.
- Stuntman by Steven Pogatch.
- Budget Worksheet II - Disk Version by Aly Kahn.
- NOREM by Jerry White.
- Graphic Violence by Tom Hudson.
- Color Slot Machine by Michael A. Ivins.
- A Banner Banner Program by Andrew Lieberman.
- Dungeons and Dragons Character Generator by Bob Curtin.
- ATARI Symbol Demo by Craig Weiss.
- Editorial by Jon Bell.
- Reader Comment
- New Products by Marcia and Gary Rose.
- Left-Handed Joysticks by Darren Layne.
- Questionnaire Contest
- A Trip to the NIMITZ by Jon Bell.
- A.N.A.L.O.G.'s Top Ten Games
- Build a Keyboard for Your 400 by Robert E. Meyer.
- ATARI in 1983 by Lee Pappas.
- Miner 2049er by Tom Hudson.
- 80-Column Board by Mike DesChenes.
- Monkey Wrench by Tom Hudson.
- Go Forth! by William Volk.
- Master Memory Map by Tom Hudson.
- Letter Perfect by Tony Messina.
- Canyon Climber by Tony Messina.
- Console Button Subroutine by Jerry White.
- Safryland by Peter Naleszkiewicz.
- Utility #3: Disk Tool Part 2 by Tony Messina.
- The Black Rabbit by Brian Moriarty.
- Forth - DOS by William Volk.
- Calendar Generator by Michael Duboy.
- Burp! by Charles Bachand.
- Letter Writer by Andrew S. Katz.
- Creator & Diety by William Volk.
- Harvey Wallbanger by Charles Bachand.
- Take-5 by Thomas Lewry.
- AUDCTL Demo by Jerry White.
- Dungeons & Dragons Housekeeping by Bob Curtin.
- Creating an AUTORUN.SYS File by John L. Eslary.
- Have The Computer Type It In by Daryll Strauss.
- Whither ATARI? (Editorial)
- Reader Comment
- New Products by The Program Doctors.
- VCS Update by Lee Pappas.
- Index to Advertisers
- The ATARI 1200XL by Lee Pappas.
- Accessing Bulletin Board Systems by William W. Hough.
- The Challenge of the Quest by Brad Griffin.
- Adventure Games Chart by Brad Griffin.
- Epson Printing Modes by Thomas M. Krischan.
- A Lisp Tutorial by Ken Litkowski.
- The Percom Drive with Double-Sided Disks by Kevin Lever.
- Installing Your Own GTIA Chip by Richard Herring.
- Beginner's Pilot by Thomas M. Krischan.
- Wayout by Brian Moriarty.
- B Key 400 by Richard A. Benson.
- Scott Adams Adventures 1-12 by Brad Griffin.
- Utility #4: Disk Directory Dump by Tony Messina.
- D:CHECK 2 by Tom Hudson.
- Magic Keypad by Greg Peck.
- An Adventure Game by Michael Duboy.
- A Master File Directory Using DMS by Marshall D. Abrams.
- Simple P/M Assembly Language by Luke Lorusso.
- Moving Players in BASIC by Tom Hudson.
- The Halls of the Leprechaun King by Keith Evans and Ted Adkinson.
- Fill 'Er Up! by Tom Hudson.
- Word Square by Sol Guber.
- Editorial by Jon Bell.
- Reader Comment
- New Products by The Program Doctors.
- Index to Advertisers
- The West Coast Computer Faire
- D:CHECK/C:CHECK and Control Characters
- Strings in ATARI Basic by Richard G. Lyons.
- What the Software Reviewers Are Saying About Your Documentation by Jessie Stephens.
- Copyright Basics by Thomas Krischan.
- ATARI Pascal - A Good Product? by Raymond T. Tillman.
- BASIC Compilers - A Comparative Review by Brian Moriarty.
- Disk Backup Programs by Brian Moriarty.
- The New AtariWriter Cartridge by Dick Kushner.
- C:CHECK by Tom Hudson.
- BASIC Programming Techniques by Thomas Krischan.
- Moving Missiles in BASIC by Tom Hudson.
- Home Energy Consumption Analysis by Joseph Harb.
- Utility No. 5: Memory Check by Tony Messina.
- A Disk Cataloging Utility by Thomas Ray Hamel and Bert Williams.
- Adventure in the Fifth Dimension by Brian Moriarty.
- Graphics 7+ Handler by Tom Hudson.
- EPSET by Dick Tedeschi.
- Editorial by Jon Bell.
- Reader Comment
- Index to Advertisers
- The New ATARI Computers by Lee Pappas.
- De Re Letter Perfect by Arthur Leyenberger.
- ATARI Word Search by Marcy Caruthers.
- D:CHECK/C:CHECK and Control Characters
- Notes to the ATARI Microsoft Basic Instruction Manual by Gerald Despain.
- Our Game by Joel Gluck.
- Suspended by Brian Moriarty.
- ATARI Books Reviewed by Cris Popenoe & Lee Pappas.
- The Happy 810 Enhancement by Brian Moriarty.
- Database Programs by Richard Herring.
- Omnimon! by Brian Moriarty.
- The ALOG Pagewriter by Tony Messina.
- Bank Street Writer by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Micropainter Pictures in BASIC by Tom Hudson.
- GTIA Expansion Demo by Andrew Katz.
- Sound Effector by Sheila Neece Spencer.
- From Rags to Riches by Bob Curtin.
- Multicolor Screen Generator by Richard J. Kalagher.
- Total String Search by Jerry Tucker.
- SNAIL by Brian Moriarty.
- ATARI's Multicolor Character Sets by Dave Plotkin.
- Livewire by Tom Hudson.
- Editorial by Lee Pappas.
- Reader Comment
- New Products by Marcia & Gary Rose.
- Index to Advertisers
- D:CHECK and Control Characters
- The New ATARI Peripherals by Lee Pappas.
- ATARI Graph by Marcy Caruthers.
- Fine Scrolling by Kyle Peacock.
- Family Cash Flow by Bob Curtin.
- Electronic Arts/Games Review by Brian Moriarty.
- Donkey Kong by Tom Hudson.
- Pole Position by Lee Pappas.
- Dark Crystal by Brian Moriarty.
- BASIC Utilities Compared by William J. Lambert.
- Alpha Shield by Dan Gutman.
- Starbowl Football by Kyle Peacock.
- Observational Astronomy by John Godbey.
- Livewire Paddle Default by Tom Hudson.
- Roundup by Richard Loken.
- CIO Utilities by Richard Groszkewicz.
- Space Assault by Mike Walters.
- Editorial by Brian Moriarty.
- Reader Comment
- New Products by Marcia & Gary Rose.
- Our Game by Joel Gluck.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Ask Sally Forth by Sally Forth.
- Index to Advertisers
- Fine Scrolling, Part 2 by Kyle Peacock.
- Control Characters
- ATARI Logo by Brian Moriarty.
- Rhymes & Riddles by Edward Bever.
- Getaway by Kyle Peacock.
- Combat Leader by Pat Kelley.
- Drelbs by Lee Pappas.
- The Austin 80-column Board by Brian Moriarty.
- Monkeys, Math & Merriment by Keith Valenza.
- ATARI 1020 Printer by Tom Hudson.
- An Extra Graphics Mode by Peter C. Budgell.
- Hexpad by Randal C. Gibson.
- Conversions by Arthur A. Nevola.
- Retrofire by Tom Hudson.
- Lumberjack by Bernard Ertl & John Euker.
- Synchronizing Voice & Program in ATARI Pilot by Richard Seltzer.
- mUse by Brian Moriarty.
- A Disassembler in ATARI BASIC by Maurice Elliot.
- Editorial by Jon A. Bell.
- Reader Comment
- New Products by Gary & Marcia Rose.
- Griffin's Lair (Educational Programs) by Brad Griffin, M.D.
- Ask Sally Forth by Sally Forth.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Our Game by Joel Gluck.
- Index to Advertisers
- Transporting Programs to the 5200 by Claus Bucholz.
- Software Piracy: A Survey by Allen Harberg.
- Disk Users: Don't Let This Happen by Jerry White.
- Fine Scrolling Part III by Kyle Peacock.
- Index to ANALOG Computing by Brian Moriarty.
- Professional Business Graphics by Tom Kelley.
- Magic Storybook by Tony Messina.
- Rally Speedway by Lee Pappas.
- Star Trek Simulator by Patrick J. Kelley.
- Inside the New Atari 600XL by Brian Moriarty.
- Eagles by Edward Bever.
- BASIC Cassette Recovery by Bob Fine.
- Knights and Chalices by Bruce Willard.
- Music Synthesizer by Ken Collier.
- Alternative Keyboard Handler by Steven Howard.
- Bricklayer's Nightmare by Gordon Robson.
- Editorial by Brian Moriarty.
- Reader Comment
- Ask Sally Forth by Sally Forth.
- Griffin's Lair by Braden Griffin, M.D.
- Our Game by Joel Gluck.
- BASIC Training by Tom Hudson.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Control Characters
- Index to Advertisers
- Build a Low-Cost Printer Interface by Paul S. Swanson.
- Fine Scrolling, Part IV by Kyle Peacock.
- Crossword Magic (Softsmith) by Braden Griffin, M.D.
- Gateway to Apshai (Epyx) by Charles Bachand.
- Action! (OSS) by Brian Moriarty.
- Prisoner II (Edu-Ware) by C.J. Thorns.
- Solo Flight (MicroProse) by Lee Pappas.
- Paint (Atari) by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Three New Games by Patrick J. Kelley.
- Stars 3-D by Craig Patchett.
- D:CHECK2 by Mohos/Hudson.
- C:CHECK by Mohos/Hudson.
- Bar Chart Subroutine by Thomas P. Newdome.
- 10/7 Painter by Peter Budgell.
- Create-A-Font by Vince Erceg.
- XLDEMO by Jerry White.
- Shooting Stars by Dennis Fox.
- Fast Repeat Key by Sammie J. McCaa Jr.
- Solid States by Tom Hudson.
- Editorial by Brian Moriarty.
- Reader Comment
- New Products by Lee Pappas.
- Griffin's Lair by Braden Griffin, M.D.
- Our Game by Joel Gluck.
- BASIC Training by Tom Hudson.
- Ask Sally Forth by Sally Forth.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Index to Advertisers
- Binary File Menu/Loader by Richard Kalagher.
- Disk Miser by Sait Heiman.
- How To Live Without DOS by Dan Higgins.
- Introduction To Action! by Clinton Parker.
- Planetary Defense by Bachand/Hudson.
- Pascal 1.5 (Draper Software) by Brian Moriarty.
- Operation Whirlwind (Broderbund) by Pat Kelley.
- Lode Runner (Broderbund) by Lee Pappas.
- Joust (Atari) by Joel Gluck.
- Silicon Warrior (Epyx) by James Trunzo.
- Ms. PacMan (Atari) by Kyle Peacock.
- New Disk Drives For The Atari by Brian Moriarty.
- Encounter (Synapse) by Carl Firman.
- Editorial by Brian Moriarty.
- Reader Comment
- New Products by Lee Pappas.
- Griffin's Lair by Braden Griffin, MD.
- Ask Sally Forth by Sally Forth.
- Control Characters
- BASIC Training by Tom Hudson.
- Our Game by Joel Gluck.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Communication For The Handicapped by Michael Long.
- Crash Dive! by Brian Moriarty.
- H:BUG by Tom Hudson.
- Munch'In Climb'In by Mark Comeau.
- Introduction to Action! Part 2 by Clinton Parker.
- File'em by Norman Hill.
- Atari Book Reviews by Lee Pappas.
- Ultima I (Sierra On-Line) by Steve Panak.
- Ultima III (Origin Systems) by Cliff Chaput.
- Gruds in Space (Sirius) by Pat Kelley.
- Robotron: 2084 (Atari) by Kyle Peacock.
- Saigon: The Final Days (Adventure Int'l.) by Ray Berube.
- The Return of Heracles (Quality Software) by Mike Des Chenes.
- Planetfall (Infocom) by Carl Firman.
- In This Issue by Brian Moriarty.
- Reader Comment
- Griffin's Lair by Braden Griffin, MD.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Ask Sally Forth by Sally Forth.
- BASIC Training by Tom Hudson.
- Index to Advertisers
- Darkness at Noon
- Super Sine by Edward Loniewski.
- Battle in the B-Ring by Lew Thomits.
- Bulletin Board Systems
- A Look at Modems by Charles Bachand.
- Printer Interface Additions by Charles Bachand.
- Public Domain Terminal Software by Tony Messina.
- The Saturday Night Special by Charles Bachand.
- Touch-Tone® Dialer by Tom Hudson.
- Educational Computer Games by Richard Herring.
- Want to be a SYSOP? by Noel & Kim Thomas.
- Default by Charles Bachand.
- Siege by Glen Raffel.
- Solid States Revisited by Tom Hudson.
- Hayes 1200 Smartmodem (Hayes) by Tony Messina.
- Microram 64K Memory Board (MPP) by Ray Berube.
- TeleTari (Don't Ask) by Tony Messina.
- Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mach-Ina) by Bob Curtin.
- Bruce Lee (Datasoft) by Mike DesChenes.
- MiG Alley Ace (MicroProse) by Pat Kelley/Lee Pappas.
- BASIC XL (O.S.S.) by Robert L. Riggs.
- Dimension X (Synapse) by Robert T. Martin.
- Star League Baseball (Gamestar) by Bob Curtin.
- Reader Comment
- New Products by Lee Pappas.
- Our Game by Joel Gluck.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Index to Advertisers
- The Winners (ANALOG's Favorite Games)
- Buzz-zap! by David Karp.
- Bacterion! by Kyle Peacock with Tom Hudson.
- What Is It? by Larry W. Linson.
- AlterDOS by Gordon L. Banks.
- Auto Line Numbering+ by Sam Wiley.
- ConTEXT by Vern L. Mastel.
- Stars 3-D in Action! by Donald E. Glover.
- Bounce in Action! by David Plotkin.
- Scredit by Ron Hodge.
- Boulder Dash (First Star) by Tom Hudson.
- Universe (Omnitrend Software) by Ray Berube.
- Seven Cities of Gold (Electronic Arts) by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Movie Maker (Reston Software) by Bob Curtin.
- Reader Comment
- Griffin's Lair by Braden Griffin, M.D.
- Our Game by Joel Gluck.
- BASIC Training by Tom Hudson.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Control Characters
- Index to Advertisers
- The Atari 7800 by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Proset by Richard J. Browne.
- Selecting Your Perfect Printer by Steve Panak.
- Touch-Tone® Dialer Update by Tom Hudson.
- Avalanche by Tommy Bennett.
- Matt*Edit by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Graph E's by Robert E. Miller.
- Spy Plane by Mark Comeau.
- The ANALOG Card File by David Plotkin.
- The ANALOG Atari Printer Survey by Mike DesChenes.
- The Fergee File Printer by John C. Ferguson.
- Jungle Hunt (Atari, Inc.) by Ray Berube.
- Spelling Checker Programs by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Cut & Paste (Electronic Arts) by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Reader Comment
- New Products by Lee Pappas.
- Griffin's Lair by Braden Griffin, M.D.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Index to Advertisers
- Spelling SAM by Ed Rybczyk.
- Balldrop by Bill Boegelein.
- Spanish Study Guide by Larry Nocella.
- Math Attack by Manny Miller.
- Micro-Puzzler by Larry G. Hearin.
- Air Attack by Scott Sheck.
- The New Atari (CES Report) by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Word Scramble by Steven T. Murphy.
- Create-A-Font Datamaker by E K Garringer.
- Typing Evaluator by William Abell, Jr.
- Money Hungry by Donald P. Murphy.
- Sound FX by John Carmody.
- Son of Solid States by Tom Hudson.
- Mathman by Francisco R. Moncada.
- The Reading Program by Ed Rybczyk.
- The New Letter Perfect (LJK, Inc.) by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Printer Interfaces by Charles Bachand.
- Gyruss (Parker Bros.) by Tom Hudson.
- In This Issue by Jon A. Bell.
- Reader Comment
- Griffin's Lair by Braden Griffin, M.D.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Index to Advertisers
- A No-Frills Alternate Cursor by Tom Hudson.
- Climber by John Hanke.
- Minicomp by David Bohlke.
- P/M Creator/Animator by Scott Scheck.
- Fire Bug by Kyle Peacock and Tom Hudson.
- Another BASIC Bug by R. T. Dolbeare.
- Graphics 8 Character Generator by Tom Hudson.
- Dark Horse by Kenneth Amidon and Wayne Underwood.
- Casadapter (Sar-An) by Ruth Ann Stone.
- Family Finances (Atari) by Bob Curtin.
- TOP-DOS (Eclipse Software) by Charles Bachand.
- Donkey Kong Junior (Atari) by David Shen.
- ATR-8000 (Southwest Microcomputer) by Philip Altman.
- Dr. Wacko's Guide to Your Atari (Addison-Wesley) by Stephen James.
- Editorial by Jon A. Bell.
- Reader Comment
- Griffin's Lair by Braden Griffin, M.D.
- New Products by Lee Pappas.
- Ask Mr. Forth by Donald Forbes.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Control Characters
- BASIC Training by Tom Hudson.
- Index to Advertisers
- AtariCon Report by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Bopotron! by Kyle Peacock.
- Circuit Database by Randolph Constan.
- XL-DOS by Robert Luce.
- Cassette Compressor by Harold Johnson.
- BOFFO! by Tom Hudson.
- Bopotron Construction Set by Kyle Peacock.
- Bopotron Construction Set - Layout Sheet
- Race in Space by Charles Bachand.
- Unicheck by Tom Hudson.
- An Interview with Free Fall Associates: Jon Freeman and Anne Westfall by Arthur Leyenberger.
- A Software Cornucopia: Pengo (Atari), Infidel (Infocom), Mr. Robot (Datamost), Flak (Funsoft), and Questron (SSI) by Steve Panak.
- Archon II: Adept (Electronic Arts) by Patrick Kelley.
- Reader Comment
- Griffin's Lair by Braden Griffin, M.D.
- New Products by Lee Pappas.
- Ask Mr. Forth by Donald Forbes.
- BASIC Training by Tom Hudson.
- Index to Advertisers
- Weather Forecaster by Steven B. Newman.
- Reckless Racer by David Plotkin.
- Androton by David Bohlke.
- An Atari BASIC Tutorial - Part 1 by Philip Altman.
- Atari Stocking Stuffers by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Miner Jack by Randy Schulze.
- No More Key Click by Doron Gartner.
- Guide to Atari Computer Publications - Part 3 by Lee Pappas.
- Adding BASIC Function Keys by Steve Prokopchuk.
- Ramrod XL (Newell Industries) by Tom Hudson.
- Hometerm (Batteries Included) by Ron Luks.
- XL Boss (Allen Macroware) by Matthew J. Ratcliff.
- U-Print (Digital Devices Corp.), Interfast-I (Advanced Interface Devices) by Charles Bachand.
- The Season's Software Sampler: One on One (Electronic Arts), Summer Games (Epyx), The Arcade Machine (Broderbund), Cohen's Towers (Datamost), Cosmic Tunnels (Datamost), Puzzle Panic (Epyx) by Steve Panak.
- Financial Cookbook (Electronic Arts) by Arthur Leyenberger.
- In This Issue
- Reader Comment
- Griffin's Lair by Braden Griffin, M.D.
- Ask Mr. Forth by Donald Forbes.
- Control Characters
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- BASIC Training by Tom Hudson.
- Index to Advertisers
- Atari: 1985 by Jon A. Bell.
- The New Atari: An Interview with Jack Tramiel by Lee H. Pappas and Jon A. Bell.
- Popcorn by Mark and Kathy Sloatman.
- An ANALOG Computing Tutorial: Painless Player Mover by Chester C. Walters.
- Magic Palette by Michael and Bernard Mikowski.
- Bopotron: The New Levels by ANALOG Computing Readers.
- An Atari BASIC Tutorial - Part 2 by Philip Altman.
- Atari Graphics Overlay by Jeff Brenner.
- PuLse in Action! by Joel Gluck.
- Robot Raid by Charles Kormos.
- Enchanter and Sorcerer (Infocom) by Matt Hillman.
- Okimate 10 Color Printer (Okidata) by Charles Bachand.
- Reader Comment
- Unicheck/Control Characters
- New Products by Lee H. Pappas.
- Ask Mr. Forth by Donald Forbes.
- Griffin's Lair by Braden E. Griffin, M.D.
- BASIC Training by Tom Hudson.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Index to Advertisers
- Numeric Keypad by Jonathan Buckheit.
- Instant Renumber by Angelo Giambra.
- Extending Your DOS Directory by Roland S. Chan.
- Screenmaker by Vern L. Mastel.
- More Fun with Bounce! (in Action!) by Joel Gluck.
- English Error Messages in BASIC by Stephen Prokopchuk.
- Word Adventure by Stephen D. Groll.
- Adventure at Vandenberg A.F.B. by Tom Hudson.
- MicroCheck by Clayton Walnum.
- F-15: Strike Eagle (Microprose) by Patrick J. Kelley.
- Flight Simulator II (SubLOGIC) by Jim Haney.
- Editorial by Jon A. Bell.
- Reader Comment
- Unicheck
- New Products by Lee H. Pappas.
- Ask Mr. Forth by Donald J. Forbes.
- Talk to ANALOG Computing
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- BASIC Training by Tom Hudson.
- Index to Advertisers
- Winter CES Report by Lee Pappas and Arthur Leyenberger.
- MicroDOS XL by Walter D. Lord.
- Monthly Mortgage Calculator by Amy H. Krohn.
- Demon Birds by Dan Bullok.
- MicroCheck Part 2 by Clayton Walnum.
- TwoGun by Conrad Tatge.
- Cascade by Neil Simms.
- Field of Fire (S.S.I.) by Patrick J. Kelley.
- HomePak (Batteries Included) by Arthur Leyenberger.
- The Tax Advantage (Continental Software) by Karl E. Wiegers.
- Your Personal Net Worth (Scarborough Systems) by Bob Curtin.
- A Word Processing Trilogy: Homeword (Sierra On-Line), Super-Text (Muse Software), The Writer's Tool (O.S.S.) by Bob Curtin.
- Smoothwriter (Digital Deli) by Keith Valenza.
- CityWriter (Software City) by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Cabin Fever Fantasies: Spelunker (Broderbund), Cutthroats (Infocom), Galactic Adventures (S.S.I.), Quest of the Space Beagle (Avalon Hill), S.S. Achilles (Beyond Challenging) by Steve Panak.
- Reader Comment
- New Products
- Griffin's Lair by Braden E. Griffin, M.D.
- Unicheck
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Index to Advertisers
- Reader Service
- Winter CES: Part 2 by Arthur Leyenberger.
- RAMCHECK by Angelo Giambra.
- RAM Operating System for Atari XLs by Ken Alexander.
- MaxiCopy by Grant Albrecht.
- Extended Calculations by Donny Cherf.
- XL Compatibility by Dwight Stanley.
- Dragonlord by Clayton Walnum.
- XL Expansion Connector by Michael Alan Barton.
- Revive. A disk file recovery utility by Philip Altman.
- Cheep Talk: Build your own speech synthesizer by Lee Brilliant, M.D.
- B-Line by Angelo Giambra.
- Software Movies: Visualizer (Maximus) by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Suspect (Infocom, Inc.) by Ray Berube.
- Reader Comment
- Griffin's Lair by Braden E. Griffin, M.D.
- Ask Mr. Forth by Donald Forbes.
- Unicheck
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Index to Advertisers
- Reader Service
- BASIC AUTORUN.SYS File by Chet Walters. A short autoboot file using any BASIC program with any filename.
- Basic Burger by David H. Butler. A commercial quality game demonstrating player/missile handling, combined with an excellent tutorial.
- Z-Plotter by David Bader. An easy to use program which allows you to make three dimensional graphs in high resolution mode.
- Boulder Bombers by Mark Price. An exciting cooperative/competitive game for one or two players, as you attempt to clear a rock-filled canyon.
- Loan Shark by Marty Schmidt. How would you like to calculate loan payments, interest rates and other financial unknowns-easily?
- Two-Fifty-Six by Graham L. Potter. Exhibits all of your Atari's 256 colors on the screen simultaneously.
- US Doubler (ICD. Inc.) by Russell Haupert. Allows your 1050 disk drive to enjoy true double density and increases the data transfer rate.
- Tax Command (Practical Programs, Inc.) by Karl E. Wiegers. An inexpensive tax preparation program primarily designed for Form 1040.
- Panak Strikes! by Steve Panak. Steve reviews Realm of Impossibility (Electronic Arts), The Scrolls of Abadon and Beach-Head (Access Software}, Spy vs Spy (First Star Software), and The Serpent's Star (Broderbund).
- Enhancements to BASIC (First Byte) by Bob Curtin. This program will integrate new features into your existing BASIC, making it far more versatile.
- Editorial
- Reader Comment
- New Products
- Griffin's Lair by Braden E. Griffin, M.D.
- Ask Mr Forth by Donald Forbes.
- On-Line by Russ Wetmore.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Unicheck
- Index to Advertisers
- Reader Service
- Unicheck by Tom Hudson. ANALOG Computing's fastest checksum program-includes new revisions.
- R.O.T.O. by Mike Stortz. A dynamic arcade-style game written in Action!-with plenty of it.
- Lunar Patrol by Michael J. Coulson. Set 'er down on the pad after you've maneuvered past cavern walls and docked with fuel depots. Ten different screens will challenge you.
- Lazer Type by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Become a master at blasting the Fiendish Fontoids and you'll be a super typist as well.
- Personal Planning Calendar by Wayne Gautney. Who said your Atari doesn't do windows? With this program, you'll never have an excuse to forget a birthday or miss an appointment.
- V: A Memory Storage Device by Philip Altman. Turn unused memory into a working storage device for temporary program storage or merging files.
- Atari Clock by Jonathan Buckheit. Display a real-time clock that remains on-screen whether you're in BASIC, DOS or any graphics mode.
- ATASCII Animation by Mark Comeau. Allows you to take advantage of the graphics characters and editing features of your computer, to create animation or fast title screens and displays.
- Astra 1620 (Astra Systems, Inc.) by Jim Haney. If your Atari applications require two disk drives, the Astra 1620 is worth close examination.
- Panak Strikes! by Steve Panak. Our midwestern critic looks at Stealth (Broderbund), Bounty Bob Strikes back (Big Five Software), and Conan (Datasoft).
- Editorial by Jon A. Bell.
- Reader Comment
- New Products
- Ask Mr. Forth by Donald Forbes.
- On-Line by Russ Wetmore.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- Atari at Comdex by Jon A. Bell. Tramiel and company take on the world at Comdex, with good results and some surprising announcements.
- Access III by Matthew Jones. Now you can transfer your DOS III files to DOS 2.0 with this easy-to-use utility.
- Home-made Translator by Angelo Giambra. The best "XL translator" available-and it's right here in the pages of ANALOG Computing. Runs any 400/800 software on your XL.
- Color the Shapes by Sol Guber. More a puzzle than a game, this Action! program will challenge users of any age.
- Cosmic Defender by Phill Roey. This month we uphold our reputation for the best games with a tough space challenge. Blast the asteroids and alien ships as you maneuver through energy barriers.
- Atari's 520ST: Our First Look by Torn Hudson. Tom examines the strengths and weaknesses of the latest flagship in the Atari line. The first in-depth look at using and programming Digital Research's GEM (Graphics Environmental Manager).
- Programming as if you're your own worst enemy by Jim Dunion. Our West Coast Editor whimsically analyzes the problems of programming.
- Supereversion by Phillip Burgess. An Atari computer adaptation of the classic board game, Othello.
- AtariWriter Printer Driver by C. D. Welker. A handy tool allowing you to use non-Atari printers with the AtariWriter word processor.
- Magniprint II (Alpha Systems) by Frederick D. Oldfield. Allows you to make hard copy prints of screens created with nearly any graphics program on the market.
- War in Russia (Strategic Simulations, Inc.) by Bob Curtin. A simulation that features high resolution, full color and a scrolling map. The game's based on Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.
- Dragonriders of Pern (Epyx) by Randy Mumford. The official computer game based on the series of fantasy novels by Anne McCaffrey.
- Reader Comment
- New Products
- Griffin's Lair by Braden E. Griffin. M.D.
- On-Line by Russ Wetmore.
- Index to Advertisers
- A Visit to Chicago: The Summer Consumer Electronics Show by Arthur Leyenberger and Lee Pappas. What's new and what's not at the biggest electronics show in the US.
- An Introduction to MIDI by Craig Patchett. An explanation of MIDI and how it functions with your computer.
- BASIC Bug Exterminator by Angelo Giambra. This handy program will fix four of the known bugs in Atari BASIC, including the infamous lock-up problem.
- Note Master by Chuck Rosko. A one-player musical game designed to test your memory and ability to recognize tones and corresponding notes.
- Syntron by Jon Snyder. Our assembly language game of the month pits you against the hordes of menacing and deadly Syntroids.
- C.COM by Rich Moore. A machine language disk file utility which occupies only seven sectors.
- Keyboard Encoding for Computer Music Applications Part 1 by Mario Perdue. How to interface your Atari to an organ-style keyboard, enabling it to emulate a standard musical instrument.
- Assemble Some Sound Part 1 by Karl E. Wiegers. Fundamentals of sound generation in assembly, with examples to adapt for audio effects in your own programs.
- MIDIMATE and MIDITRACK II (Hybrid Arts) by Craig Patchett. We look at the only MIDI interface currently available for the 400/800/XL/XE line.
- Panak Strikes by Steve Panak. Five entertainment programs are reviewed this month: Moon Patrol (Atari Corp.), Trolls and Tribulations (Creative Software), Blue Max 2001 (Synapse), The Dallas Quest (Datasoft) and Zone Ranger (Activision).
- Mince (Mark of the Unicorn) by Tom Hudson. The first look at ST software - Tom examines an extremely powerful text editor for the 5205T computer.
- Rescue on Fractalus and Ballblazer by Arthur Leyenberger. Lucasfilm Ltd.'s two games have been a long time in coming…but do they live up to expectations?
- Reader Comment
- Griffin's Lair by Braden E. Griffin, M.D.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- Multiple Choice Vocabulary Quiz by Alfred H. Filskov, III. An easy and fun way to study and memorize word definitions.
- Science Arcade by William J. Rooney, Jr. A profile of the Franklin Institute Science Museum, Philadelphia.
- Assemble Some Sound Part 2 by Karl E. Wiegers. The conclusion of our article on sound effects in assembly language.
- Dragon's Breath by Larry W. Linson. An educational thinking/learning game for kids.
- Resident DOS 2.0 Mod by James G. Hollinger. A RAM resident DOS utility which allows you to load DOS without the tiring wait for DUP to load in.
- Keyboard Encoding for Computer Music Applications Part 2 by Mario Perdue. The second in the series, covering the synthesizer program and how it works.
- Elevator Repairman by Fred Caprilli. An arcade quality machine language game in which you play Dan the Elevator Repairman. Your mission: fix the lifts at the Polychromatic Hotel.
- Number Catch by David L. Clark. Catch the falling numbers being dropped by Mad Mordred the Magician, but watch out! He can change them into bombs, spiders or hats at the last instant.
- The Summer CES Part 2 by Arthur Leyenberger and Lee Pappas. This issue, we conclude our coverage of the Summer CES with a look at all the new software for the Atari XE computers.
- Musorqa by Ron Torborg. With this program and a touch tablet, you can turn your Atari computer into a mythical musical instrument.
- Panak Strikes! by Steve Panak. Three entertainment programs are reviewed this month: Ghosthusters (Activision), Ghost Chaser (Artworx Software) and Mr. Do (Datasoft).
- Editorial by Jon A. Bell.
- Reader Comment
- Griffin's Lair by Braden E, Griffin, M.D.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- Hide and Seek by Greg Peck. A nonviolent game, the goal is to match a small grid pattern to its counterpart in a much larger grid matrix.
- The ANALOG Computing Pie Chart Demo: An Inside Look by Tom Hudson. This article starts our coverage of ST programming with a complete discussion of a GEM application, written in C.
- Printers Revisited by Jim Pirisino. An introductory guide to computer printers.
- Bonk by James Hague. A fast-moving arcade game for one player, this assembly language program pits you against deadly "electric whirlers."
- G: A Printing Device for Epson/Gemini Printers by Charles F. Johnson. Here's a way to print any character your Atari can display on-screen, with custom/control characters and exact copies of graphics modes 0, 8 and 7+.
- Turtle 1020 by Jason Leigh. Turn your Atari 1020 printer/plotter into a turtle graphics output device "remotely controlled" via your keyboard.
- Panak Strikes! by Steve Panak. Chess games are the topic this month-Sargon II (Hayden Software), Chess (Parker Brothers) and Chess (Odesta). Dig Dug (Datasoft) and Spy Hunter (Sega) are also examined.
- Megafont II+ (XLent Software) by Mark Weaver. Over ten character sets for your Epson/Gemini- compatible printer, plus graphics dump capability in four different sizes.
- SG-10 Printer (Star Micronics Inc.) by Jim Van Leeuwen. This recently introduced Epson/Gemini-compatible printer boasts near letter quality in a dot-matrix format and can print at a fast 160 cps in normal text.
- Home Accountant (Continental Software) by Andrew J. Kennedy, Jr. Touted as the preeminent financial software package for the Atari, does it really live up to its manufacturer's claims?
- Computer Eyes (Digital Vision Inc.) by Arthur Leyenberger. Capture any image from a video disk, VCR or video camera, and display it on-screen or print it out, using your Atari and this little gadget.
- Atari 1027 Printer (Atari Corp.) by Robert Opitz. A no-frills letter-quality printer at a good price, but not without some shortcomings.
- Reader Comment
- New Products
- Griffin's Lair by Braden E. Griffin, M.D.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- On-Line by Russ Wetmore.
- Index to Advertisers
- Sneak Attack by David Plotkin. Your mission in this Action! game is to protect Earth's gun-bases from the enemy's secret weapon-parachuting robots whose sole objective is to destroy you and the gunbases.
- Maze War by Mark Price. The evil Mage Roklar has captured your group in this fast machine language game, and only one of you can escape before the maze dissipates.
- LOGO Demos by Sol Guber. The ST shows off its speed and colors in this beginner's look at the graphics language, LOGO.
- Rafferty Run by Chuck Rosko. In the annual St. Patty's day two-man race at Rafferty Downs, you must be fast and fill your pot with gold coins.
- Nightshade by Clayton Walnum. A nonviolent text adventure, suitable for the entire family. You must guide the main character through the eerie realm of Nightshade.
- The Solid Gold Input Routine by Jim Dunion. Finally, an input routine that shouldn't crash, break or cause errors.
- Bargain Bin by Andy Eddy. An overview of some of the once-popular entertainment software now available at bargain basement prices.
- Panak Strikes! by Steve Panak. This month: from Infocom - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Wishbringer. Also: Space Shuttle (Activision), The Halley Project (Mindscape. Inc.), and Colossus Chess 3.0 (The English Software Co.).
- Express (Mirage Concepts) by Arthur Leyenberger. The first word processor/mailing list/mail merge/typewriter/telecommunications program for the Atari ST. It almost sounds like too much, too soon. Is it?
- Combat Chess (Avalon Hill) by Patrick J. Kelley. As the name implies, this new twist in wargames makes your armored units the pawns in the latest effort from the experts in the field.
- Hex (Mark of the Unicorn Inc.) by Monte Bank. Could it be? A 120-level game for the ST - challenging, great graphics, mouse controlled. This is just the beginning.
- Powerstar (Pandora Software, Inc.) by Charles Bachand. A 63-room graphics adventure that will amaze you with its speed and challenge you with its puzzles...all on cartridge!
- Editorial by Jon A. Bell.
- Reader Comment
- New Products
- Griffin's Lair by Braden E. Griffin, M.D.
- ST News
- Boot Camp by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- Introduction to Telecommunications by Michael Schoenbach and Frank Imburgio. A brief look at how to get involved in this fascinating world.
- Atari Stocking Stuffers by Arthur Leyenberger. Our annual gift-giving guide for Atari fanatics of any age.
- Speedski by Bill Richardson. Beat the clock while avoiding trees and markers in this high-speed assembly language game.
- Bank Switching for the 130XE by Allan Moose and Marian Lorenz. A detailed look at manipulating the 130XE's extra memory.
- Halley Hunter by Harry Hammond. Find out when Halley's Comet is arriving, where it will be and how brightly it will shine.
- Forem Tutor by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Get the most out of your log-on time on Forem-style BBSs with this brief tutorial's help.
- A Master Disk Directory by Jason Leigh. A disk filing program which uses a joystick to select commands consisting of graphic icons.
- Index to ANALOG Computing by Lee Pappas. The articles, programs and reviews from issues 15-36.
- Crusade in Europe. (Microprose) by Patrick J. Kelley. A top-notch simulation displaying an ambitious attempt at design and detail.
- Telecommunications on the 520ST (SST Systems and Mark of the Unicorn) by Arthur Leyenberger. Two communications programs are examined.
- Mindwheel (Synapse) by Arthur Leyenberger. One of the leading companies in arcade-type software tries its hand at text adventures.
- Mudpies (Michtron) by Arthur Leyenberger. The first video game for the ST fills your screen with deadly pie-slinging clowns.
- Panak Strikes by Steve Panak. Reviewed this month are: Super Zaxxon (Sega), Tapper (Sega), The Final Legacy (Atari), Gemstone Warrior (SSI), and On Track (Activision).
- People/Link by Andy Eddy. A low-cost interactive telecommunications network.
- Delphi by Andy Eddy. Here's your introduction to a newcomer which is rising fast in the ranks of large information services.
- Games Computers Play by Clayton Walnum. An innovative telecommunications service where graphics and user-friendliness play a vital role.
- Reader Comment
- Griffin's Lair by Braden E. Griffin, M.D.
- New Products
- ST News
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- Color Alignment Generator by Donald Lee. A former APX program, to help adjust color and sharpness.
- DLI Maker by Greg Anderson. Add display list interrupts into BASIC programs.
- Fun with Fractals by Tom Hudson. Using fractal geometry, you can produce fascinating, colorful displays on your ST.
- 130XE Disk Copy by William W. Tan. Bark up single-density disks at machine language speed.
- Fractals: An Introduction by Alex Leavens. From clouds, coastlines, the edge of a leaf - to your screen.
- Incoming! by Conrad Tatge. A fast, challenging arcade game with colorful graphics.
- Dynamic Displays by Clayton Walnum. Spice up your screen with a little animation.
- Air Hockey by Chris Page. A one- or two-player Action! simulation, full of excitement.
- ST Color Palette by Tom Hudson. Display all 512 ST colors on your screen and see how to produce any color register in your own program.
- Print Shop File Converter by Mike McCuen. Convert Print Shop to DOS for artwork with your programs.
- BASIC XE (OSS) by Bob Curtin. Does this new product uphold OSS's tradition of quality?
- Karateka (Broderbund) by Patrick J. Kelley. Non-ST Atari users, take heart with this eye-popping game.
- PaperClip (Batteries Included) by Arthur Leyenberger. Now that all the hoopla's died down, Art objectively examines this popular word processor.
- The Print Shop (Broderbund) by Arthur Leyenberger. A look at a product that took the Atari community by storm.
- ST-Talk (Quantum Microsystems) by Arthur Leyenberger. The third telecommunications program released for the ST allows you to access BBSs and information services.
- Panak Strikes by Steve Panak. This month, Steve examines Hacker and Master of the Lamps (Activision), Lode Runner's Rescue (Broderbund), Decision in the Desert (Microprose), and Broadsides (SSI).
- DEGAS (Batteries Included) by Arthur Leyenberger. An exclusive first look at Torn Hudson's Design and Entertainment Graphics System for the ST.
- KISS (Eastern House) by Bernard W. Palmer, M.D. A word processor cartridge for the 800, XL or XE.
- Reader Comment
- New Products
- ST News
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- Unicheck by Tom Hudson. ANALOG Computing's universal checksum program.
- Super Pong by Gary S. Domrow. The ultimate Pong games for your 8-bit Atari.
- High Noon by Tom Hudson. The showdown between Atari's 5205T and Commodore's Amiga for first place in home computing.
- Load*It by Karl Stiefvater. Autoboots any BASIC or machine language program.
- Adventurous Programming by Clayton Walnum. Dare to write your own adventure? Clayton gets you started.
- Utilities for the 520ST by Arthur Leyenberger. An in-depth look at what "tools" are available now for the Atari 520ST.
- Formatter by Rich Moore. Formal 5¼-inch disks endlessly-and quickly!
- Debug+ by Bryan Schappel. A screen-oriented, machine language debugging utility.
- C-manship, Part 1 by Clayton Walnum. The first of a series of C programming tutorials for the beginner.
- COMDEX 1985: Atari's back! by Tom Hudson. Atari can say "We came, we saw, we conquered."
- Calc Pi by Bruce D. Noonan, M.D. A simple example of programming in C for the ST, in BASIC for the 8-bit users.
- DOS Mods by Gary S. Domrow. Keep track of updated programs without losing the originals.
- Program Helper by Jonathan Stone. Convert constants to variables to save RAM.
- XL CAPS Toggle by Rod Rees, Ph. D. A modification for our Home-made Translator.
- SmartDOS (The Programmer's Workshop) by Robert Opitz. This DOS has a number of nice features; is it really the best?
- Sparta DOS (ICD Inc.) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. We evaluate the performance of another DOS for the Atari.
- Hippo ST Ramdisk (Hippopotamus Software) by Clayton Walnum. Set aside any size portion of memory for use as a ramdisk.
- XM301 (Atari Corp.) by Clayton Walnum. This classy little modem is just what we've been waiting for.
- Disk Wizard II (C.A.P. Software) by Jonathan David Farley. Four menu-driven disk utilities.
- Critical Connection (USS Enterprises) by Curtis W. Crowe. This powerful accessory means business.
- Kennedy Approach (Microprose Software) by Lee H. Pappas. A fascinating, entertaining and nerve-wracking experience.
- Editorial by Diane L. Gaw.
- Reader Comment
- New Products
- ST News
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- Adventurous Programming by Clayton Walnum. Part 2 in a series to help write your own adventure game.
- Atari Can Mean Business by Daniel A. Silvestri. A tour of Atari as a tool in the business world.
- Winter CES: A first look by Arthur Leyenberger. Latebreaking news in the Atari world
- IRA by David L. Clark. Helps evaluate potential benefits for several financial plans.
- The Clash of Kings by Bryan Schappel and Barry Kolbe. Two players battle it out in this multi-scenario game.
- VisiPlot by Larry M. Bevard. Display your VisiCalc statistics graphically.
- Doodler by Sol Guber. A mouse-based drawing program written in LOGO for the 520ST.
- C-manship, Part 2 by Clayton Walnum. This month, type conversions and string handling are explored in our series on the C language.
- MicroCheck by Clayton Walnum. These enhancements allow MicroCheck to run with two drives.
- Micro-Mail by Clayton Walnum. A program to let you neatly organize all those addresses.
- Mouser by Bernhard Engl. The intricacies of interfacing a mouse to an 8-bit Atari.
- Koala Slideshow Program by Charles Johnson. This 130XE program displays pictures at lightning speed.
- HippoSpell (Hippopotamus Software) by Clayton Walnum. A spelling checker for any standard format text file.
- Portfolio Manager (Basic Byte) by Daniel A. Silvestri. A stock management system.
- Typesetter (XLent Software) by Jonathan Buckheit. A powerful graphics editor for popular printers.
- Temple of Apshai Trilogy (Epyx) by Patrick J. Kelley. The best of the Epyx games in one package.
- The Electronic Checkbook. The Money Manager (Timeworks) by Karl E. Wiegers. Track your cash flow and analyze budgets.
- Kyan Pascal (Kyan Software) by Bob Curtin. A Pascal compiler/editor - is it for you?
- Panak Strikes! by Steve Panak. Reviewed are: two new Lucasfilm games, The Eldolon and Korois Rift; two adventures from Micronovels, Star Voyage and The Casebook of Hemlock Soames: and Infocont latest, A Mind Forever Voyaging.
- Editorial by Michael J. Des Chenes.
- Reader Comment
- Griffin's Lair by Braden E. Griffin, M.D.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- More Fun out of Adventures by Daniel A. Silvestri. Techniques and advice to help you through the ordeal (read: fun) of any adventure game.
- The Dragon and the Turtle by Sol Guber. A tutorial on advanced drawing using LOGO, with an explanation of dragon curves.
- Treasures of Barboz by Chris Smith. The goal bestowed upon you is to find and store the ten remaining treasures of the wizard of ancient days, Barboz.
- Adventurous Programming by Clayton Walnum. Part 3, the final segment in our "write your own adventure" series.
- D&D Character Generator II Part I by Bob Curtin. A new version to create and store characters for Dungeons & Dragons.
- ST-LOG. The premier issue of ANALOG Computing's ST magazine - the people who started it all by doing it again.
- On-Line by Russ Wetmore. An interview with the creators of Synfile+, Paperclip and other popular software.
- Winter CES 1986: A Full Report by Arthur Leyenberger. We follow up our brief report of last month with a detailed look at what's new, from CES.
- One for the Road by Clayton Walnum. Are you tough enough to take on the role of "Nails" O'Riley and the surprises that await him?
- Paperweight by Curt Cox. Beginners to the most advanced Atari users will find new insight with this program.
- Adventure Master (CBS Software) by Ray Berube. Your imagination plus this program will equal a terrific adventure game.
- Panak Strikes! by Steve Panak. This month, Steve examines Hotel Alien (Artworx), Schrecken (Mindless Endeavors), The Goonies (DataSoft) and Championship Lode Runner (Broderhund).
- Editorial by Diane L. Gaw.
- Reader Comment
- New Products
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- Index to Advertisers
- BASIC XL/XE Switch by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. The touch of a button lets you switch BASIC on or off.
- Bonsai by R. I. MacDonald. Combining graphics and mathematics to simulate nature.
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum. We present an easy, foolproof way to enter our machine language listings.
- D&D Character Generator II Part 2 by Bob Curtin. This program allows you to browse through D&D lists and purchase items.
- Alphabetization and the Atari by Brian Schwartz. A sorting routine ready to add into your own BASIC application.
- ST-Log. ANALOG Computing's ST Magazine
- The 8-Bit Blues by Keith Mosher. One user details his trials and tribulations in owning a "state of the art" computer.
- Atarzee by Clayton Walnum. Our game of the month centers on a version of a popular dice game.
- Gemsets by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Print your custom character sets on the Gemini 10X/15X or Epson FX/JX/LQ.
- Printing Utility by Jan Iverson. Print ASCII format text to the screen or printer with this short utility.
- Bits & Pieces by Lee S. Brilliant, M.D. The first installment of a new hardware utility series.
- Spellbreaker (Infocom, Inc.) by Greg Knauss. The last chapter in the Enchanter series throws fiendish puzzles your way.
- Hackers (Dell Publishing Co.) by Pamela Rice Frank. This book presents a fascinating history of the founding fathers of the computer age.
- Silent Service (Microprose) by Daniel A. Silvestri. Run silent, run deep - in the comfort of your home.
- ACE 80/ACE 80XL (ACE, Ltd.) by Murray D. Kucherawy, Ph.D. This cartridge Produces 80 columns of text on any Atari 8-bit.
- Panak Strikes! by Steve Panak. Steve reviews Battalion Commander and Colonial Conquest (SSI), Track and Field (Atari Corp.) and Zorro (Datasoft).
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- Reader Comment
- New Products
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- Home Inventory by Jan Iverson. Keep track of your record collection, household inventory or anything else you want.
- BASIC Editor by Clayton Walnum. The ever-busy Clayton brings you a new typo-cbecking program for BASIC listings.
- Bits & Pieces by Lee S. Brilliant, M.D. This month, our continuing hardware series covers computer basics.
- Electroids by James Hague. Our entertainment program this time is an original, 100% machine language game.
- ST-LOG. ANALOG Computing's ST magazine.
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum. This new program provides an easy method to enter our machine language listings.
- Home Shopper by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Design and customize your own shopping list, individualized right down to the aisles in your favorite store.
- D&D Character Generator II Part 3 by Bob Curtin. The final installment in our series brings you spell programs for the four classes of spell casters.
- The Calendar Printer by David Plotkin. Our BASIC program will print a calendar for any month you specify, to get you organized.
- Computer Gourmet (New Horizons Software) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. A recipe database management system.
- BASIC View (Software Concepts) by Bob Curtin. An inexpensive BASIC debugging tool.
- Editorial by Michael J. Des Chenes.
- Reader Comment
- New Products
- Griffin's Lair by Braden E. Griffin, M.D.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- Index to Advertisers
- The 810 Flip Switch by Steve Schelb. Now you can write to the back of a disk with no problems!
- RAMcopy! by Charles F. Johnson. Copy support files to a RAMdisk at boot-up - automatically. No DOS involved.
- An interview with Russell Smith and Wayne Smith by David & Sandy Small. A talk with the men responsible for the ATR-8000.
- The 8-Bit Parallel Interface by S. Ravi. Simple hardware to give you a full-blown parallel interface, with eight data lines and four "handshaking" lines.
- D:CHECK in Action! by Steven Yates. Check and correct typing errors in Action! programs interactively.
- Cassette LogWriter by Frank Kweder. Organize your life - or at least get your cassettes labeled.
- Bits & Pieces by Lee S. Brilliant, M.D. Part three in our hardware series: build an "output port," to let your Atari begin to control the outer world.
- ST-Log. ANALOG Computing's ST magazine. See page 47ST for contents of ST-Log. This month: an updated ST product listing.
- Personal Robots and the Atari by Tim Knight. Herds a realistic view of the possibilities for robots.
- Arm your Atari by Ted Wilmot. How to hook up Radio Shack's Armatron to your computer.
- Blast! by S. Grimm. The Space Defense Center is menaced by unknowns in geo-synchronous orbit. Watch out for their force field!
- Panak Strikes! by Steve Panak. Spy vs Spy II, The Island Caper (First Star Software), The Mask of the Sun (Broderbund), and Ankh (Datamost).
- Critical Connection (USS Enterprises) by Curtis W. Crowe. How handy is this plug-in to use your CP/M with the Atari?
- RAM Upgrade Kits by Felix J. Torres. (256K XL RAM Upgrade Kit, Newell Industries) (ICD RAMBO XL Upgrade Kit, ICD, Inc.)
- Editorial by Diane L. Gaw.
- Reader Comment
- 8-Bit News
- BASIC Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- Index to Advertisers
- The Multi-lingual Atari by Arthur Leyenberger. The languages to help take full advantage of your 8-bit.
- Stencil Graphics by Ed Sisul. An easy way to create high-speed special effects in BASIC.
- Using BASIC XL's Hidden Memory by Robert Opitz. Put part of DOS 2.0S behind your cartridge.
- Roll 'Em! by Brian Strand. Watch out for the fireballs in this Action! game.
- The West Coast Computer Faire by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. News from the Faire and an interesting panel discussion.
- BASIC Editor II by Clayton Walnum. Here's Clayton's faster, updated version of BASIC Editor.
- ST-Log. ANALOG Computing's ST magazine. See page 51ST for contents of ST-Log.
- RAM DOS XL by Angelo Giambra. Put your utilities into RAM. for easy instant retrieval.
- Arm your Atari, Part 2 by Ted Wilmot. Radio Shack's Armatron and your computer get together.
- Troll War by Scott Langston. Keep the king's treasure safe from raiding trolls.
- A report from COMDEX by Lee H. Pappas. News and new products seen at COMDEX this spring.
- Delphi Codes. Instructions to get you started on our Atari Users' Group.
- LBASIC by Kent Peterson. Labelled BASIC gives you listings without line numbers.
- AtariWriter Plus (Atari Corp.) by Clayton Walnum. Does this version uphold the originals reputation?
- Advan BASIC Compiler (Advan Language Designs) by Bob Curtin. The compiler, plus utility and design programs available.
- Panak Strikes! by Steve Panak. This month, Steve reviews Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar (Origin Systems), Sargon III (Hayden Software), Ballyhoo (Infocom) and Whistler's Brother (Broderbund).
- R-Time 8 and SpartaDOS 3.2b (ICD Inc.) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. The story on ICD's real-time system and latest SpartaDOS.
- Editorial by Michael J. Des Chenes.
- Reader Comment
- 8-Bit News
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- Counting without fingers by Paul R. Robinson. A brief history lesson on the origin of computers.
- Magic Spell by Angelo Giambra. This machine language program locates spelling errors in DOS 2.0S format text.
- Soft Touch by Jack Morrison. Get the most out of Atari's Touch Tablet with this tutorial.
- Moonlord by Clayton Walnum. The solar system's been invaded
- ST-Log. ANALOG Computing's ST magazine. See page 51ST for contents of this month's ST-Log.
- Launch Code by David Schwener. Thirty-six hours" - that's all you've got to disable twelve ICBMs on launch alert.
- Bits & Pieces by Lee S. Brilliant, M.D. Build an internal working clock that keeps the time - all the time!
- La Machine by Stephen Alpert. This graphics utility will assist in the task of creating bit-mapped animated figures.
- June CES & the 8-bit Atari by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Our midwest editor cruised up to Chicago via Amtrak to check out the latest and greatest for the 8-bits.
- Blackhawk (Orion software) by Andy Eddy. A new arcade game reminiscent of Choplifter.
- Panak Strikes! by Steve Panak. Reviewed this month are: Fooblitzky (Infocom), Racing Destruction Set (Electronic Arts), Monday Morning Manager (TK Computer Products) and Computer Baseball (SSI).
- Micro League Baseball (Micro League Sports Association) by Bob Curtin. Is this the premier baseball simulator or just another arcade game?
- Page Designer (XLent Software) by David N. Plotkin. Design pages for ads, signs, or anything else requiring a custom layout.
- Editorial by Michael J. Des Chenes.
- Reader Comment
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Database Delphi by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- DLIs: A minute to learn. by Jonathan David Farley. Display list interrupts for the masses - presented on an introductory level.
- Pixel Perfect by Maurice Molyneaux. How to effectively use graphics and painting software on your Atari.
- Deathzone by Steven Hiller. A fast-moving, 3-dimensional, machine language game.
- BASIC Editor II by Clayton Walnum. The latest version of our fast typo checker.
- ST-Log. ANALOG Computing's ST magazine. See page 47ST for contents of this month's ST-Log.
- What's next? by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. An in-depth interview with John Skruch, product manager of the XE computer line.
- An interview with Doug Neubauer by Lee H. Pappas. A question-and-answer session with one of Atari's original designers, the author of Star Raiders.
- DiskFile by Charles Steinman. DOS 2.5 users, take your 11-character filenames and turn them into 32-byte messages.
- The Xanth 8-bit demos by Xanth Park. The author of those spectacular bouncing, flying and spinning demos spills the beans.
- The ANALOG Database by Barry Kolbe and Bryan Schappel. A new database that takes minimal time to learn, thanks to colorful, helpful menus.
- COVOX Voice Master (COVOX Inc.) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Just how effective is this product at handling speech recognition and recording?
- Graphics Magician Picture Painter (Penguin Software) by Andy Eddy. One of the latest graphics programs for the Atari.
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. NAM (SSI), Star Raiders II (Atari Corp), Star Fleet I (Cygnus) and Super BouldarDash (Electronic Arts) are examined this month.
- Parrot (Alpha Systems) by Bryan Figler. A voice/sound digitizer that claims realistic reproduction.
- Editorial by Lee H. Pappas.
- Reader Comment
- 8-Bit News
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Database Delphi by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Atari User's Groups
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- Status report by D. F. Scott. What does Atari really think of its 8-bit line? D. F. Scott gives us all an enlightening view, based on interviews with Marrs corporate insiders.
- M-Windows by Kevin Ravenhill. Don't be left out. With M-Windows you can have "windows" on your 8-bit Atari-and up to 255 of these may be open simultaneously.
- Bits & Pieces by Lee S. Brilliant, M.D. This month, our continuing hardware feature gives you the necessary know-how to put together your own light pen for the 8-bit Atari.
- ST-Log. ANALOG Computing's ST magazine. See page 41ST for contents of this month's ST-Log.
- Cosmic Glob by Rich B. Enns. A one- or two-player game - use your spacecraft to wipe out the evil glob lurking in the void.
- DLIs: A minute to learn by Jonathan David Farley. The second and final installment, delving straight into DLIs. In this issue, we'll be discussing how and where to manipulate them.
- Modem Chess by Gary Heitz. Two-player chess - lets you play with an opponent who's a thousand miles away.
- Comp-U-Temp (Applied Tachnologies, Inc.) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Connect up to sixteen temperature sensors to your computer.
- Panasonic KX-P1092 (Panasonic Industrial Co.) by Pamela Rice Frank. A look at a printer gaining popularity among Atari users.
- P:R: Connection (ICD Inc.) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. This printer interface provides two RS232 ports.
- SmarTEAM Modem (Rem Technology, Inc.) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. A 300/1200-baud modem...a good alternative to the Hayes?
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. Steve checks out the latest from Mastertronics, plus The NeverEnding Story (Datasoft), Buzzword (The Buzzword Game Co.) and Trinity (Infocom).
- Editorial by Diane Gaw.
- Reader Comment
- 8-Bit News
- Database Delphi by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Atari Users' Groups
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- Index to Advertisers
- Status report by D. F. Scott. An insider's look at the confusing world of expansions and upgrades.
- The Atari 8-bit Gift Guide by Arthur Leyenberger. The old and the new - a plethora of ideas to make your holiday season merry.
- TechPop by Wes Philp. Give your computer some rhythm and sound with this Action! program.
- ST-Log. ANALOG Computing's ST magazine. See page 43ST for contents of this month's ST-Log.
- Smiles and other facial wrinkles by Clayton Walnum. One programmer's views on how to make your own software masterpieces creative and entertaining.
- Brickworks by Chris York. With this assembly language program. you can build pictures with "bricks," edit and even animate them.
- Fortune-Wheel by Robert A. Beatty. Spin the wheel - buy a vowel or guess the answer in this two-player game.
- HardBall! (Accolade) by Robert Millard. A hard look at the latest baseball game - is it major league or a strike-out?
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. Beach-Head II (Access Software) and Wizard's Crown (SSI), Transylvania and The Crimson Crown (Polarware) are examined this month by our resident game expert.
- Editorial by Michael J. DesChenes.
- Reader Comment
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- 8-Bit News
- Atari users' groups
- Database Delphi by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- Atari computer fairs
- Index to Advertisers
- Hot Poker by S. M. Baugh. A fast and convenient machine language subroutine that helps you eliminate PLEASE WAIT INITIALIZING.
- Screen Scroller by Jeff Brenner. Add scrolling text to your home movies and video tapes or add intros to your BASIC programs.
- Do you need 16 bits? by Matthew J. W. Ratcliff. For some of us, bigger may not mean better.
- Krazy Katerpillars by David Huff. Destroy the hordes of advancing bugs before you're trompled, in this fast-action arcade-type game.
- Picture Storage Techniques by Charles F. Johnson. Makes compatible picture files from Micro Painter, Fun with Art and MicroIllustrator.
- Textually Graphic by Clayton Walnum. We'll explore some simple methods for using and displaying graphics, both attractively and logically.
- Bits & Pieces by Lee S. Brilliant, M.D. Here's a little sleight-of-hand for you: this month's column shows you how to turn your joystick into a mouse.
- Trails in Action! by Kevin R. Garlow. A graphic demo, showing colors, designs and a few Action! routines that can be useful with your own programs.
- Index to ANALOG Computing. A listing of every article, program and review published in issues 37 through 49.
- Scroll-It by Mark Sloatman. Where Screen Scroller (page 19) moves text vertically, Scroll-It will display your messages horizontally. Now you have both options.
- Picture Show by Mathew Spolin. A simple, self-contained subroutine which lets you load Neo-Chrome and DEGAS pictures from BASIC.
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. Fight Night (Accolade), World Championship Karate (Epyx), the 500XJ Joystick (Epyx) and Mercenary (DataSoft) are given the once-over by Steve.
- The Print Shop Companion (Broderbund Software) by Jay Pierstorff. The original gets a helper with editing features, calendar generation capability, and more.
- QMI and Supra modems by Andy Eddy. A look at the modem software packages from Quantum Microsystems and Supra Corporation.
- Time Link (Batteries Included) by Steve Panak. An electronic diary program for business or home use.
- Music Studio (Activision, Inc.) by George R. Stepanenko. One of the first commercially available sound-and-song editing programs with MIDI features.
- DOS Shell (MichTron) by David Plotkin. A command-line interpreter that lets you type in commands, rather than using the GEM icons.
- Little Computer People (Activision, Inc.) by Victor T. Albino. Now you can see the little person who lives inside your Atari.
- Meg-A-RAM (CAL COM, Inc.) by Anthony M. Falcetano. A do-it-yourself 1-meg memory upgrade for the Atari 520ST.
- Editorial by Diane L. Gaw.
- Reader comment
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Database Delphi by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- ST notes by D. F. Scott & Lee H. Pappas.
- Index to advertisers
- A history of ANALOG Computing by Diane L. Gaw. An inside look at our origins: why we did it and how we've spent the last six years here in Central New England.
- The Tablet Typist by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. The easy way to add text to any of your own touch-pad generated pictures.
- Slither by Steven E. Pearson and Paul Kohut. This month's machine language game offering combines constant motion with the need for strategy and careful planning.
- ICD Future by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Not only has ICD been supporting the Atari 8-bits for a long time, they continue to do it in style, as Matt found out.
- Starlanes by Darin L. Delegal. Michael J. Fox imitators, this challenging game of interstellar stocks and bonds is playing your tune.
- Keyboard Buffer by Nancy A. Durgin. A type-ahead program giving your computer even more flexibility in performing its various tasks.
- The BBK Monitor by Bryan Schappel and Barry Kolbe. This "permanent" monitor will take up residence in your computer's RAM.
- An Introduction to the Vertical Blank Interrupt by Allan E.Moose and Marian J. Lorenz. The secrets to those frequently-seen nifty programming tricks.
- The System Rerun Button by C. F. Fogarty III. Rewire your RESET key to rerun programs automatically.
- ST Color Tuner by James Luczak. Achieve animation on the ST through simple color rotation.
- BBS Express! (Orion Micro Systems) by Blake Arnold. A new bulletin board system packed with value and features.
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. Chessmasler 2000 (Software Country) and the Top Gunner Collection (MicroProse) are the games reviewed this time.
- The Great American Cross Country Road Race (Activision) by David Plotkin. Race across America in this fast-playing simulation.
- Atari Planetarium (Atari Corp.) by Bruce Frumker. A fascinating, useful program with educational value, too.
- MicroNet (Supra Corp.) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Lets up to eight Atari computers use one peripheral.
- Family History (Direct Lines software) by Jan A. Iverson. Use your computer for genealogical research and tracking.
- Phantasie (SSI) by Steve Panak. Take the lead in this fantasy, with graphic battles and magic.
- Strip Poker (Artworx) by Steve Panak. An 8-bit cult favorite comes to the ST - how does it look?
- Editorial
- Reader comment
- 8-bit news
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- Scheduled Atari Fairs
- Atari User Groups
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- ST notes by D. F. Scott.
- Index to advertisers
- The Devil's Doorway by David Schwener. A quick trip through "the grid" will lead you to the next level - or certain death - in this BASIC game.
- Rambug II by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. After dealing with software bugs these many years, Matt has decided to give you the chance to kill 'em all off, once and for all.
- The Vertical Blank Interrupt: Scrolling by Allan E. Moose and Marian J. Lorenz. This month's tutorial on VBIs will help you execute scrolling.
- Beyond Zork by Clayton Walnum. A guide through the maze of Infocom's innermost corridors and a look at the strange inhabitants there.
- Midas Maze by Ken Miller. Zip through a maze in search of gold - but beware the robots hunting for intruders…
- Battle Stations! by Daniel A. Silvestri. Strategy, tactics and tips for potential wargame generals.
- Matching Shapes by Regena. An educational and fun program for children: for the ST with a color monitor.
- Dumpmate by Arthur F. Horan. Owners of the Okimate 10 can now do black-and-white screen dumps of their Atari screens.
- Beach-Head II and Raid Over Moscow (Access Software) by Andy Eddy. Two games of conflict invade your Atari's monitor.
- Genie by Andy Eddy. General Electric's information service heavily supports Atarians.
- ICD's Multifunction I/O Parallel Device (ICD Inc.) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. A powerful accessory for your 600XL, 800XL or 130XE.
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. Reviewed are Theatre Europe (DataSoft/Intellicreations). Golden Oldies (Electronic Arts), Wargame Construction Set (SSI) and Crosscheck (DataSoft/Intellicreations).
- Six Forks Assembler and Linker (Six Forks Software) by Kurt Oestreich. Is this a good alternative to the MAC/65 assembler?
- Atari ST Tricks and Tips (Abacus Software) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. We check out the fifth book in the Abacus ST series.
- Softworks BASIC (Softworks Limited) by D.F. Scott ST. What this compiled language has to offer and how it stands up.
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- Reader comment
- 8-bit news
- Scheduled Atari Fairs
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Database Delphi by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- ST notes by D. F. Scott.
- Atari Users' Groups
- Index to advertisers
- Music during the Vertical Blank Interrupt by Allan E. Moose and Marian J. Lorenz. Part 3 in our series details what's involved in accomplishing music during the VBI.
- Background Printer by Angelo Giambra. A device handler which lets your printer do its thing while you are doing yours.
- Floyd the Droid Goes Blastin' by Paul Lay. Wipe out the mutant just for kicks in this new machine-language game.
- HardCopy by Boyd E. Arnold and
- CheckWriter by Jeff Killeen. Adding these two major enhancements to MicroCheck (from issue 27) lets you prepare multiple copies and print checks.
- Multicopy by Charles Johnson. A versatile utility for copying files, made even easier by keyboard or joystick use.
- Bits & Pieces by Lee S. Brilliant, M.D. The BSR home controller is just an article away from your Atari.
- Modems and the Atari 8-Bits by Andre Molyneux. An introduction to the universe of telecommunications, BBSs and networks.
- The Baud Warrior by Maurice Molyneaux. Advice for the experienced modem user.
- Lightspeed C (Clearstar Softechnologies) by Kurt Oestreich. A detailed look at this structured language.
- Soundwave 1 and Soundwave 8 (SoundwaveSoftware) by Charles Johnson. Two sequencers for the ST - do they live up to their claims?
- The Learning Phone (Atari Corp.) by Fred Du Buron. Check out the Atari Plato cartridge.
- Screens (The Soft Cellar) by Karl E. Wiegers. Tricky screen formats are yours with this inexpensive, useful utility.
- The New Technology Coloring Book (Software Toolworks) by Steve Panak. Hi-tech coloring for children.
- Nite Lite (Niter Lite Systems) by Charles Bachand. A close examination of one of the popular BBSs for the 8-bit and the ST, too.
- The Atari ST User's Guide (Osborne McGraw-Hill) by Nitin Badjatia. How worthy is the new ST Logo guide?
- Blazing Paddles (Baudville) by Clayton Walnum. Is this recently introduced art program an 8-bit DEGAS?
- Carina BBS (Carina Software Systems) by Blake Arnold. Our BBS expert checks out this feature-packed program.
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. Flight Simulator II Scenery Disks (subLOGIK Corp.), Mail Order Monsters (Electronic Arts), Moonmist (Infocom) and Rommel Battles for Tobruk (Game Designer's Workshop) are examined.
- Video Vegas (Baudville) by Tom Garzelloni. Slots, Keno, Blackjack and Draw Poker in one package…how do they stack up?
- Editorial by Diane Gaw.
- Reader comment
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Scheduled Atari Fairs
- ST notes by D. F. Scott.
- Atari Users' Groups
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Database Delphi by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Index to advertisers
- Sound Effects Editor by S.M. Baugh. Here it is - an easer way for you to develop the sound effects you want in your work.
- Hard Disk Primer by Tom Harker. The ins and outs of hard disks, by one of the 8-bit's leading experts.
- Shakuhachi Keyboard by Albert Baggetta. A short program for creating unusual Japanese bamboo pipe music.
- Étude in C# Minor by David Lindsley. Demo the sound and graphics of your ST computer with this practical program.
- Zero Free by Mike Stortz. An Action! program which lets you store files efficiently to make the most of the disk space you have.
- BASICally Melodic by Clayton Walnum. Use BASIC to provide the music your programs deserve.
- T:EDIT by Bryan Schappel. An easy-to-use, easy-to-load, all-purpose text editor.
- An overview of 8-Bit MIDI Software by Charles F. Johnson. What MIDI products are available
- Easy Find by Jim Siemion. Organize your programs - or collectibles - with this utility.
- Rocks! by Douglas Engel. Land carefully, grab the pod, get past the asteroid field and dock with your ship if you can.
- Roland TR-707 Rhythm Composer (Rolandcorp US) by Craig Patchett. This device will give you "real" instrument sound. coupled with editing capabilities.
- Avatex 1200 modem (E+E Data Comm) by Jason Leigh. A closer look at this very popular modem; though no longer in production, it can still be found in some stores.
- Cardware (Hi Tech Expressions, Inc.) by Jay Pierstorff. A greeting card program for screen display, or to print out!
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. This month, Steve compares two Civil War simulations: The Battle of Chickamauga (Game Designer's Workshop) and Gettysburg: The Turning Point (SSI), then lakes a look at Ogre (Origin Systems. Inc.) and Peggammon (Artwork Software Company, Inc.)
- Super 3D Plotter II (Elfin Magic) by Greg Knauss. If you remember (and enjoyed) our Solid States series, you'll love this product!
- Editorial by Lee H. Pappas.
- Reader comment
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Atari Users' Groups
- 8-bit news
- Scheduled Atari Fairs
- ST notes by D. F. Scott.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- Index to Advertisers
- The Making of Atari Writer Plus by Frank Cohen. Watching William Robinson's word processor grow.
- Fast Sets by Darryl W. Howerton. No disk access needed for this BASIC character set loader.
- Trade secrets - Part 1 by Clayton Walnum. Programming tips to keep you from pulling all your hair out.
- Variable Searcher by Steven Anderson. This BASIC program quickly finds and cross-references your variables.
- Window Graphics by Howard Green. Now your 8-bit Atari games and/or graphic displays can have the convenience of window sections.
- Mouse Maker by Saveen V. Reddy. ST owners: build yourself a library of mouse shapes...and edit them to fit your every need.
- Life in the Fast Lane by James Hague. An entertaining new version of the colonization classic.
- Dragonlord Dungeon Editor by Clayton Walnum. Clay has improved issue 29's Dragonlord - here are his changes, and an editor to add your own.
- Batcher by Mack McLeod. A utility to keep you from making too many file copies - or, perhaps, prevent the accidental destruction of one of your favorites.
- PC Board Designer (Abacus Software) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Get the scoop on how this software-to-design-hardware product really works.
- Speed King (Mastertronic) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Matt rates Mastertronic's motorcycle-racing game.
- NX-10 Printer (Star Micronics, Inc.) by Greg Knauss. The features and facts on Star's NLQ printer, with opinion on its performance.
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. This month's games: Age of Adventure (Electronic Arts), which includes The Return of Heracles and All Baba and the Forty Thieves; plus Hollywood Hijinx (Infocom).
- Isgur Portfolio System (Batteries Included) by Steve Panak. Our resident trust authority tells you how this portfolio manager checks out.
- Editorial by Michael J. DesChenes.
- Reader comment
- Atari Users' Groups
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Database Delphi by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Scheduled Atari Fairs
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- ST notes by D. F. Scott.
- Index to Advertisers
- DiskMend by Justin E. Wilder. Bypass DOS to solve your disk- handling problems.
- Polar Plotter by David Bader. Takes on the drudgery of plotting these equations, you bring out their beauty, easily.
- Copyright Q&A by Isaac Szlechter. A review of the rules and regs governing software.
- Bio-signs by Patton Lockwood. This ST BASIC program shows your bio-rhythms in brilliant colors.
- Streamliner by James Hague. Could your binary files stand some organization? Here's a program to do it.
- Roto-wrench by John Hanley. Don your plumbing gear and wade into this BASIC game.
- Four-Star Software Picks The ANALOG Computing experts choose their weapons.
- Talker by Anthony A. Nogas. Use these utilities with issue 29's Cheep Talk, to put words in your Atari's mouth.
- BBK Artist by Barry Kolbe and Bryan Schappel. The team that brought you The ANALOG Computing Database turns their attention to graphic art in graphics 7+
- Trade Secrets by Clayton Walnum. More of Walnum's Wisdom to keep you from getting those programming nightmares
- Word Magic/ Graphic Magic (The Catalog) by Randall Krippner. A low-price word processor with text and-graphics capability; how does it stand up under the fire of use?
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. This issue, Steve takes a look at Warship and Battle Cruiser (both from SSI), plus Solid Gold Software (a package from Activision that includes Pitfall and Demon Attack). How do these classics stack up in today's market?
- Music Painter (Atari Corp.) by Clayton Walnum. This graphically oriented music handler could help you take your shot at becoming the Mozart of this generation. Should you "pay the piper" the suggested retail price?
- Disk Library (Classic Image, Inc.) by George G. Stepanenko. Is this organizer worth the money to keep your programing life from turning into utter chaos?
- Editorial by Michael J. DesChenes.
- Reader comment
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Scheduled Atari Fairs
- 8-bit news
- Atari Users' Groups
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- ST notes by D. F. Scott.
- Index to Advertisers
- NFL Game Analyzer by Gerry Genson. Keep stats and make predictions on your lavonte team.
- Desktop publishing in your own write by William A. Benbow. An answer to the high cost of preprint production.
- Label Maker by Jan Iverson. A multipurpose labeller to make those mailing chores manageable.
- Basic Diet by Ron Schaefer, M.D. Whether you're at, above or below your "normal" weight, this program will help you eat right to reach your goal.
- A CES report by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. A view of the 8-bit and entertainment news from the Consumer Electronics Show which was held this past June in Chicago.
- Trig Machine by Donald B. Lee. Let your Atari do the work for you when you need to solve those problems involving triangles.
- Bits & Pieces by Lee S. Brilliant, M.D. This month: an inside look at your Atari's sound and graphics.
- Troll War II by Scott Langston. A two-player fantasy warfare, presented in two segments.
- Storybook in G: by Larry Linson. Personalize some fiction for your favorite youngster.
- The ST as a recreational vehicle by D.F. Scott. The ST portion of our CES news.
- The New Aladdin (Disk Publications) by Andy Eddy. For Atari 8-bits or STs. A new way for you to get "all the news that's fit to print" - right on your monitor, in this general interest electronic monthly magazine.
- High Roller (Mindscape) by D. F. Scott. Climb right back into your Harrier cockpit for this one. D.F. Scott has checked it out carefully for you.
- Phantasie II (SSI) by Steve Panak. What does our veteran gamer think of this follow-up ST offering? Head for the Isle of Ferronah with us, and find out.
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. In this issue, Steve gives us a close look at Autoduel (Origin Systems) and the Atari 8-bit version of the first Phantasie (SSI).
- Power Vision (Power Systems) by Victor T. Albino. Are the capabilities of this slideshow organizer what you need for that presentation you've been planning?
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- Reader comment
- 8-bit news
- Scheduled Atari Fairs
- M/L Editor (updated listing) by Clayton Walnum.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- ST notes by D. F. Scott.
- Atari Users' Groups
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Index to Advertisers
- The ROBOX Incident by Barry Kolbe and Bryan Schappel. At least the alien computer that crashed in your backyard can understand English - but you've still got plenty to figure out.
- Castaway by Rick Graves. Washed ashore on a deserted island, you must find a way to be rescued. But first, you're determined to discover the secret the island holds.
- A look at Computalk by Andy Eddy. This feature-packed BBS from Texas stands out in more ways than one.
- The Wizard Part I by Clayton Walnum. You're not a programmer, but you've always wanted to write an adventure game? No problem with this unique system of programs.
- Artificial Intelligence by Dr. Ron Schaefer. Expand your ST's knowledge base - and save the results for its reference in future use.
- Troll War II by Scott Langston. The second half of the listing - what you've been anxiously awaiting to begin the game.
- Bureaucracy (Infocom) by Steve Panak. How's the new adventure from Hitchhiker's author? Dive into the red tape and find out.
- Forem ST (Commnet Systems) by Blake Arnold ST. Excellent SYSOP control and some powerful commands, are just a few of the advantages this program has over its 8-bit predecessor.
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. A look at The Lurking Horror from Infocom, and Night Mission Pinball by subLOGIC, an oldie but goodie.
- Video Game Digest by Joyce Worley, Arnie Katz and Bill Kunkel.
Video Games. The basics about systems available.
Slalom (Nintendo)
Super Mario Bros (Nintendo)
Centipede and Robotron 2084 (Atari Corp.)
The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo)
Choplifter! (Sega)
- MaxPak (Softwerx) by Andy Eddy. Is this multifunction ST accessory the one you've been looking for?
- Editorial by Diane L. Gaw.
- Reader comment
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- ST notes by D. F. Scott.
- Scheduled Atari Fairs
- Index to Advertisers
- Shopping for the computer user by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. A comprehensive guide for all Atari 8-bit consumers. Matt brings us his list of the best in 8-bit products - both old and new.
- Upward by Greg Knauss. Stay clear of the man-eating bat and poison-tipped darts in this cavern climbing calamity.
- RAM-INIT by Mack McLeod. Are you finding you don't have enough RAMdisk space? This program could be just what you're looking for.
- The Wizard Part 2 by Clayton Walnum. Now you can finish designing that award-winning adventure game you've been dreaming of for the past several years.
- Bits & Pieces by Lee S. Brilliant, M.D. Building your own printer interface/buffer, the first in a three section series.
- Presentation Graphics by Jeffrey A. Summers, M.D. Give your presentations and reports that extra oomph they need to make your point.
- Then and now by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. The evolution of the 8-bit: some recollections of the past and speculations for the future of Atari 8-bits.
- Labyrinths by Steven Lashower. Escape the Labyrinths of Argonia while eluding the deadly Patrollers.
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. A look at Stationfall, Infocom's sequel to Planetfall. Plus, reviews of TrailBlazer (Mindscape) and Leaderboard (Access Software).
- Video Game Digest by Joyce Worley, Arnie Katz and Bill Kunkel.
The history of video gaming. Our game experts take a look back.
Joust (Atari Corp.)
Asteroids (Atari Corp.)
Kung Fu (Nintendo)
Hogan's Alley (Nintendo)
Fantasy Zone (Sega)
Hover Force (INTV Corp.)
Midnight Magic (Atari Corp.)
- Video Game News Update. A sneak preview of what's to come.
- Guitar Wizard (Baudville) by Clayton Walnum. An instructional program that may be of interest to guitarists of all skill levels.
- Shuttle II (MichTron) by Andy Eddy. Andy takes us through the paces of this Space Shuttle simulation.
- Editorial
- Reader comment
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- ST notes by D. F. Scott.
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Quick Screen by Earl Davidson. An easy and fast way to design and display your own custom screens.
- The MAC/65 De-Tokenizer by Charles Bachand. Convert your tokenized MAC/65 files into standard text.
- Money Pouch by Chuck Rosko. Teach children how to count money with this entertaining program.
- Needlework Design by Regena. Design needlework projects on your computer screen.
- DOS CD by Angelo Giambra. Why settle for 64 files on your disk when you can have 128?
- Busy Buddy Express by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Keep impatient BBSs on-line automatically.
- Binary Load Pictures by Charles F. Johnson. Display your computer artwork directly from DOS.
- Cloudhopper by Greg Knauss. This game written in Action! will keep you hoppin'.
- APAC System by Thomas Taniba. Add a new graphics mode to your Atari.
- Dealin' Demo by Eric Huffman. An easy subroutine for drawing card game graphics.
- Bits & Pieces by Dr. Lee S., Brilliant, M.D. Part 2 continues with Atari Zucchini.
- MicroMod Turbobase (Micromiser Software) by Steve Panak.
- Breakers (Broderbund Software) by Steve Panak.
- Video Game Digest by Joyce Worley, Arnie Katz and Bill Kunkel. The History of Video Games, Part II
- Panak strikes! by Steve Panak. This month Steve reviews Charge at Chickamauga (SSI) and Triple Pack (Access Software).
- Working with the Atari ST (Sunshine Books) by John W. Little.
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- Reader Comment
- 8-bit News
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Database Delphi
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- Index to Advertisers
- GEM Set-up by Jackson Beebe. Set up your Gemini's printing attributes-painlessly.
- Micro Dungeon by Jerry Olejarz. Rescue the prisoners from their cells in this 6-level dungeon puzzle game.
- Character Transfer by Jim Bowles. Now you can merge parts of many fonts into one.
- Disk Jacket Printer by Robert Plotkin. Get your disks' contents where they belong - on the outside of the jacket.
- Fast Print by Bill Bodenstein. A patch to your computer's OS that'll put your screen into warp speed.
- COM-DOS by Robert Berry. For people who prefer a command-driven DOS, this is a special treat.
- Magic of Tesselations by Allen Moose & Marion Lorenz. The secrets of "tiling" revealed.
- Rapid Swap byMatthew Ratcliff.
- Paint Shop by Jerry M. Beardsley. An ST BASIC program that puts you in command of your machine's color palette.
- Championship Football (Atari Corp.) by Scott Wasser.
- Battlezone (Atari Corp.) by Maurice Molyneaux.
- Colonial Conquest (SSI) by Dan Cermak.
- Video Game Digest by Joyce Worley, Arnie Katz & Bill Kunkel.
The History of Video Games Part III. Video games were king and the world was right.
Hotline-Video Game News Update
Letters from VGD Readers
1942 (Capcom)
BurgerTime (Data East USA)
Lode Runner (Broderbund Software)
Dig Dug (INTV Corp.)
Galaga (Atari Corp.)
Pro Wrestling (Sega)
Kung-Fu Master (Activision)
Great Football (Sega)
The Game Doctor
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- 8-bit news by Frank Cohen.
- Reader Comment
- Database Delphi by Mchael Banks.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- End user by Arthur Leyenberger.
- ST-Notes by Frank Cohen.
- ANALOG Man by David Plotkin. Here's your big opportunity to assist the ANALOG Computing staff put together an issue of your favorite magazine!
- Lost In the Fog by Greg Knauss. Check the readability of your text using this standard test.
- XE Banks by David Schofield. A how-to on using the memory available on your 130XE.
- Modem Use by Michael A. Banks. Suggestions and tips on using your modem from our resident telecommunications expert.
- The Magic of Tesselations Part 2 by Alan Moose and Marion Lorenz. More sophisticated tiling techniques are discussed in the conclusion of this graphics exploration.
- Boot Directory by Bill Bodenstein. Bring up your disk's directory immediately upon boot-up.
- GEnie Update by Andy Eddy. It's been a while since we covered this growing telecommunications service and felt it was time for another look.
- CompuServe's SIG*ATARI by Michael Schoenbach.
- Cryptogram Solver by Kevin Peck. A machine language tool to assist in the solving of those exasperating cryptograms.
- Bits & Pieces by Lee S. Brilliant, M.D. Atari Zucchini continues….
- Panak Strikes! by Steve Panak.
- The Newsroom (Springboard) by Clayton Walnum.
- 221 B. Baker Street (Datasoft) by Steve Panak.
- Shuffleboard (Shelbourne Software Systems) by Steve Panak.
- Bridge 5.0 (Artworx) by Steve Panak.
- Editorial by Lee H. Pappas.
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Reader Comment
- ST Notes by Frank Cohen.
- 8-Bit News
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- Database Delphi by Michael A. Banks.
- End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Train Crazy by Colin Faller. Join Oscar the Ostrich on the wild railroad romp on top of a speeding train. Look out for the tunnels!
- Solar System Scaler by Carey M. Furlong. If you could reduce the earth to the size of a baseball and hold it in your hand, how far away would the sun be? How about the moon? This educational program answers these and many other questions.
- Animation by Ron Goodman. The art of computer animation made simple, including two methods for bringing your programs to life.
- Crisis Center by Joe McManus. Car crashes, hotel fires, snipers, airplane hijackings, bank robberies and all manners of emergency conspire to put your abilities to the test in this nerve-racking simulation.
- Wordlock by Andy A. Lee. Having trouble keeping the riff-raff out of your private files? Lock 'em up tight with this machine-language utility.
- PrintScreen by Justin E. Wilder. A Graphics 0 screen dump utility that'll print the contents of your screen from within most any program.
- BCALC by Barry Kolbe and Bryan Schappel. ANALOG Computing is proud to present a full-featured spreadsheet program for 8-bit Atari computers.
- Barnyard Blaster (Atari Corp.) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Panak Strikes by Steve Panak. Steve gives the old thumbs-up/thumbs-down test to Shiloh: Grant's Trial in the West (SSI) and Bridge 5.0 (Artworx).
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- 8-Bit Notes
- Reader Comment
- Master Memory Map by Robin Sherer.
- BASIC Editor II by Clayon Walnum.
- ST Notes
- Game Design Workshop by Craig Patchett.
- Database Delphi by Michael A. Banks.
- Front Cover Photography Dean Brierly.
- Master Memory Map, Part 2 by Robin Sherer. The study of your Atari 8-bit's innards continues. This month we begin the actual map of your computer's memory.
- Kason's Tower by Jim Rogers. It's too bad you insulted a prominent citizen of Golenden, because now you must scale the treacherous Kason's Tower. Watch out for the arrows!
- Snowplow by Barry Kolbe & Bryan Schappel. It's snowing again! Quick, hop into your snowplow and clear the city's streets. But watch out for the new storms, and don't let your gas get too low. An arcade-quality game.
- The Mandelbrot Set by James J. Greco. Fractals come to the 8-bit Atari. A fascinating combination of mathematics and graphics.
- Joytype by John Pilge. A unique typing system that allows people with certain handicaps to use a joystick to compose letters and documents.
- Panak Strikes by Steve Panak. This month Infiltrator (Mindscape), Ace of Aces (Accolade) and Plundered Hearts (Infocom) are subjected to Steve's critical eye.
- Awardware (Hi-Tech Expressions) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- DELPHI: The Official Guide (Brady Books/Simon & Schuster) by Clayton Walnum.
- Editorial by Lee H. Pappas.
- Reader Comments
- 8-Bit News
- Database Delphi by Michael A. Banks.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- ST Notes
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Game Design Workshop by Craig Patchett.
- Fairway Challenge by John T. Pape. Tee-up for some computer golfing fun.
- Slave Cellars of Golgoloth by Clayton Walnum. The slavers of Golgoloth have captured Princess Shala, and it's up to you to rescue her.
- Snowplow Editor by Barry Kolbe & Bryan Schappel. Now you can design your own screens for last month's sensational arcade game, Snowplow.
- What's New in Consumer Electronics by Arthur Leyenberger. Since you own a computer, you're likely to be interested in some of the other sensational electronics products that we discovered at this summer's Consumer Electronic Show.
- Advanced Print Shop Graphic Editor by Robert Plotkin. A graphic creator for owners of Print Shop that takes up where the original Print Shop editor left off.
- Master Memory Map, Part 3 by Robin Sherer. The third part of this invaluable reference guide digs yet deeper into the mysteries of your Atari.
- CES Video Game Report by Andy Eddy. The hottest news on the video game front from the Summer Consumer Electronics Show.
- Arctic Antics: Spy vs. Spy III by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Computing Across America
- Printer Buffer Routine & Disk Emulator by Jim Patterson.
- Ramcharger (Magna Systems) by Charles Bachand.
- Panak Strikes by Steve Panak.
- Editorial by Frank Cohen.
- 8-Bit News
- Reader Comment
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- ST Notes
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Atari Streamers by Brad Timmins. A quickie machine-language routine that allows you to create vertically scrolling text displays.
- Slave II: Nimral's Grace by Clayton Walnum. The sequel to last month's Slave Cellars of Golgoloth adventure. Who is trying to kill Shala?
- Master Memory Map, Part IV by Robin Sherer. The memory exploration continues. Join us on a romp through your computer's RAM and ROM.
- Bits 'n' Pieces: POPS by Lee. S. Brilliant, M.D. This month ANALOG's electronic wizard presents a hardware project that'll add four-channel stereo sound to your Atari computer.
- AUTORUN.SYS Secrets by LeRoy Baxter. This machine-language program will help you design AUTORUN.SYS files that'll do just about anything you want.
- 3-in-1 Football reviewed by Dave Arlington.
- Panak Strikes by Steve Panak. This time around Steve takes a look at thinking games, plus gives us complete reviews of Solar Star and Drop Zone from Microdaft.
- Battlezone reviewed by Howard Wen.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- Game Design Workshop by Craig Patchett.
- End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Editorial by Lee Pappas.
- Reader Comment
- 8-Bit News
- BASIC Editor II by Clayton Walnum.
- ST Notes
- DungeonLords by Brian Bradley. The DungeonLords' world is filled with danger and intrigue. Can you battle your way past all the dangerous creatures and rescue the captives?
- BASIC to Binary by Matthew Arrington. A handy utility that'll let you convert BASIC programs into binary load files that can be loaded directly from DOS.
- Master Memory Map, Part V by Robin Sherer. The most complete Atari 8-bit memory map ever published in a magazine continues.
- Action! Graphics Toolkit by Monty McCarty. Action! programmers rejoice! Here's a set of graphics routines to make your favorite language even more powerful.
- D:CHECK in Action! by Steven Yates. To help you type Action! programs more accurately, here's a reprint of our checksum program for Action! listings.
- Panak Strikes reviewed by Steve Panak. This month Steve takes a look at Video Title Shop Graphics Companion II (Datasoft), Sons of Liberty (SSI) and Napoleon in Russia (Datasoft).
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- Game Design Workshop by Craig Patchett.
- End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- Reader Comment
- 8-Bit News
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- BASIC Editor II by Clayton Walnum.
- ST Notes
- Stellar Arena by John Ortiz. Can you survive the Stellar Arena of Khiv? Fast arcade action for one arm players.
- Inferno by Frank Martone. The building is in flames, and it's up to you to rescue as many people as possible in this clever game written in BASIC.
- Master Memory Map, Part VI by Robin Sherer. The complete guide to your Atari continues.
- Edit Magic by Bill Bodenstein. This patch to the XL/XE operating system will add many handy features to your Atari's screen editor.
- Number Editor by Mark Odendahl. Here's a machine-language subroutine that'll add the equivalent of a PRINT USING statement to Atari BASIC.
- Panak Strikes by Steve Panak.
- Dive Bomber (Epyx) reviewed by John S. Manor.
- Game Design Workshop by Craig Patchett.
- End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- Editorial by Andy Eddy.
- 8-Bit News
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- BASIC Editor II by Clayton Walnum.
- Trial by Fire by Greg Knauss. Save bouncing babies from a burning nursery in this clever and hilarious Action! game.
- Color Set by Jackson Beebe. Get your Atari's color registers set just the way you want them with this "visual" aid.
- Master Memory Map, Part VII by Robin Sherer. The official ANALOG Computing Atari memory map continues.
- Bits & Pieces: UPS by Lee S. Brilliant, M.D. The good doctor shows you how to build an uninterruptable power supply for your 8-bit computer.
- ANALOG Reader Survey by Greg Knauss. Here's your chance to tell us what you want to see in your favorite Atari magazine.
- Variable Name Table Editor by Earl Davidson. Want to rename variables without having to go through the entire program, changing them one by one? This utility will do the trick.
- Star Rider by Paul Lay. This action arcade shoot-'em-up comes all the way from merry old England.
- XF551 Disk Drive. (Atari Corp.) reviewed by Matthew J.W. Ratliff.
- Print Power (Hi-Tech Expressions) reviewed by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Boot Camp by Karl E. Wiegers.
- Game Design Workshop by Craig Patchett.
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- Reader Comment
- 8-Bit News
- BASIC Editor II by Clayton Walnum.
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Cartridge Games for Your XEGS by David Plotkin. The addition of the XEGS to the Atari line has caused a resurgence of cartridge-based games - old and new - and 130XE and XEGS owners both can take advantage of the fun.
- Pebbles by Clive King. From ancient Egypt comes this deceptively simple desert game using nothing more than a few holes in the sand and a handful of stones.
- Master Memory Map, Part VIII by Robin Sherer. The most complete Atari 8-bit memory map ever published in a magazine continues.
- Un-Sprites by Jason Leigh. Now you can have software-controlled sprites as well as Atari's player/missile graphics.
- Atari Videodisc System by Bruce Frumker. The secrets of controlling a laser videodisc from your Atari computer.
- DUPing BASIC by Bill Bodenstein. This handy patch to DOS 2.5 will automatically switch BASIC on and off as you enter and leave DOS.
- Disk Games for Your XEGS by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Did you know that with the addition of a disk drive, all the disk-based games for the 130XE computer will also run on the XE Game System? Here's a quick overview of some of the exciting games available now.
- Electra-Ball by Frank Marione. A challenging, two-player game of strategy and reflexes written in Atari BASIC.
- Turboword (Micromiser Software) reviewed by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Quintopus (Computer Software Services) reviewed by Jim Patterson.
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Game Design Workshop by Craig Patchett.
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- Reader Comment
- 8-Bit News
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Basic Editor II by Clayton Walnum.
- Krazy Mazes by Barry Kolbe. An exciting two-player game of mazes and chases written entirely in machine language.
- Master Memory Map, Part IX by Robin Sherer. ANALOG's official memory map continues
- Univert by William Frasz & Reid Brockway. How many decimeters are there in a cubit? How many leagues in a light year? With Univert you can easily convert from any unit of measurement to another.
- Pixel Averaging on the Atari by Stephen Miller. This graphics technique will allow you to hide those jagged edges in your computer art masterpieces.
- Panak Strikes by Steve Panak. This month Steve looks at Gauntlet (Atari) and Richard Petty's Talladega (Cosmi).
- The Converter (No Frills Software) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Cheat! (Alpha Systems) by Clayton Walnum.
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- Game Design Workshop by Craig Patchett.
- ST Notes by Frank Cohen.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- Reader Comment
- 8-bit News
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- BASIC Editor II by Clayton Walnum.
- What's New in Consumer Electronics by Arthur Leyenberger. The Winter '89 CES didn't offer much for Atari 8-bit owners, but there were many items of interest for those who want to stay on the cutting edge of technology.
- Super Command Processor by Bryan Schappel. Here's a memory-resident DOS that allows you to add your own commands - and all that flexibility in less than 2,000 bytes!
- The Ultimate Graphics File Converter by Lee S. Brilliant, M.D. Share your graphics between Newsroom, Print Shop and MicroPainter with this handy conversion program.
- Master Memory Map, Part X by Robin Sherer. The concluding installment of ANALOG's official Atari 8-bit memory map.
- Crazy Clown Jumper by Brad Timmins. Can you make it in the circus? Here's your chance to try - without nets. A 100% machine-language arcade game.
- Ace of Aces (Atari Corp.) reviewed by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Game Design Workshop by Craig Patchett.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- BASIC Training by Clayton Walnum.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- Reader Comment
- 8-Bit News
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- BASIC Editor II by Clayton Walnum.
- The Adventure Game Showdown by Michael A. Banks. Has the addition of graphics to conventional text adventure games improved the playing experience? Or are we one step closer to television?
- Secret Agent: Mission 1 by Bany Kolbe. Dr. Moore has created a killer organism, but now he wants to hand it over to the enemy! This exciting text adventure in the Infocom tradition will accept full sentences as input.
- Sector to Printer by David Hill. Owners of Ultima III can use this program to create game maps. Fans of other adventure games can use these ideas to create similar programs.
- Disk Directory Alphabetizer by Craig J. Stadler. This unique program will modify your disks so that the directories are alphabetized.
- Super Command Processor, Part 2 by Bryan Schappel. Bryan puts the finishing touches on last month's installment by providing several external commands.
- Accessing Atari XL Hidden Memory by Kevin T. Pate. Did you know that your XL is hiding 24K of memory from you? These routines show you how to use that memory, either byte-by-byte or as programmer-switchable banks.
- Marble Magic by Earl Hill. A popular brain-teaser comes home to your Atari.
- Mario Bros. reviewed by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Desert Falcon reviewed by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- BASIC Training by Clayton Walnum.
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- Reader Comment
- BASIC Editor II by Clayton Walnum.
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Character Set Display Utility by Dave Arlington. This unique program will let you view up to six different font files all at the same time. A great way to find out just what all those fonts you've accumulated really are.
- Chaos by Alfredo L. Acosta. They say that the universe tends toward chaos. But does it really? Could there, perhaps, be some order in all that disorder?
- Disk Master by Barry Kolbe & Bryan Schappel. For those of you who want the power to directly access and manipulate your disk's data, we present this commercial-quality disk editor.
- DEGAS View by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. ST pictures on your 8-hit computer? You bet!
- AUTORUN.SYS Secrets in BASIC by David Schoch. A few months ago we published an assembly language AUTORUN.SYS maker. Now here's a version for all you BASIC programmers.
- Mazerunner by Matt Fruin. An interesting twist to the arcade maze-game genre. 100% machine language.
- Crystal Castles. (Atari Corp.) by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Into the Eagle's Nest by Matthew J.W. Ratcllff.
- ST Notes by Frank Cohen.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Editorial by Andy Eddy.
- Reader Comment
- 8-bit News
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- BASIC Editor II by Clayton Walnum.
- Picture Perfect by Joe D. Brzuszek. This combination picture editor and animator will let you manipulate your MicroPainter format pictures in a variety of useful ways.
- Capital! by Bryan Schappel and Barry Kolbe. Get ready to make your first fortune in this commercial-quality, machine-language game of high finance.
- Nuclear Mountain by Brad Timmins. An exciting search-and-destroy mission, written in Atari BASIC.
- Gun Assist by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Atari's new light gun has become a popular gaming peripheral. Here's a machine-language routine that'll help you use the light gun in your own programs.
- Choplifter reviewed by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Dark Chambers reviewed by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- BASIC Training by Clayton Walnum.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- 8-bit News
- Reader Comment
- Disk Contents
- BASIC Editor II by Clayton Walnum.
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- RAM Disk 800XL by Jerry van Dijk. Now 800XL owners can use some hidden memory to set up a RAM disk.
- Sharp Shooter by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. More light-gun fun from the author of last month's light-gun tutorial, "Gun Assist."
- Recursion by Gregg Hesling. It has been claimed that Atari BASIC, because of its inability to pass parameters into subroutines, is not capable of recursion. Guess again.
- Skeet Shoot by Tracy Jacobs. Ready? Pull! Use your joystick to blast clay pigeons out of the sky in this all-machine- language simulation.
- XF551 Commands by Jerry van Dijk. An exploration of the undocumented commands for controlling the new XF551 disk drive.
- Macro Editor by Frank Seipel. Type complete lines with a single keystroke. This program will also create an AUTO- RUN.SYS file that'll install your macros at every boot-up.
- Crossbow by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Diamond GOS by James F. Patterson.
- Crime Buster by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- The Chessmaster 2000 by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- BASIC Training by Clayton Walnum.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- ST Notes by Frank Cohen.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- 8-bit News
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- BASIC Editor II by Clayton Walnum.
- Disk Contents
- Error Manual by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. Here's a helpful program that'll turn those cryptic error messages into plain English.
- ANALOG Zooms Into the 24th Century by Frank Cohen. Fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation won't want to miss this interview with two of the hit show's artists.
- Keeping Your Atari Busy by Reid Brockway. This tutorial shows you how to turn your computer into a clock and provides some valuable programming information along the way.
- Double Six by Pierre Roberge. A colorful version of Backgammon for your Atari.
- Fast Move by John W. Little. For BASIC programmers wanting a convenient way to control Player/Missile graphics.
- TX Cruncher by Frank Martone. Take control of Tx as he scoots across his electric grid, consuming energy and avoiding the Hulk Robots.
- Skull Island by John Patuto. You awaken to find yourself laying on the beach of a strange island. What dangers lie in wait for you? Can you get off the island safely?
- Astronauts by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- L.A. Swat/Panther by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- BASIC Training by Clayton Walnum.
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- Boot Camp
- The End User
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- 8-bit News
- Disk Contents
- BASIC Editor II
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Memory Match by Joe Brzuszek. A sound-enhanced version of the ever popular concentration-type matching game.
- Title Maker by Larry Black. This utility will help you create attractive title screens that remain on your display as your main program is loading.
- BASIC Utility Package by Barry Kolbe. BASIC programmers will enjoy this set of RAM-resident programming utilities.
- Atari U.K. Show by Marshal M. Rosenthal. Come with us on a short tour of a recent ST show in merry old England.
- Survey Sweepstakes by Albert Baggetta. Here's your chance to play a version of a popular TV game show on your Atari.
- The Assembler/Editor Reference by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff. For those who purchased the Atari Assembler/Editor cartridge without a manual, help is on its way.
- The 1989 ANALOG Gift Guide by Arthur Leyenberger. Need some gift ideas for that special computer person?
- The Animation Stand: Special Effects by Maurice Molyneaux. Maurice explains how to add some unusual effects to your computer animations.
- Dialog Boxes with GFA BASIC 3.0 by David Plotkin. Part 1 of a complete tutorial on programming dialog boxes in this popular language.
- Changing Patterns by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- MT-32 Controller by Michael Friesen.
- Airball by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff.
- Talespin and STAC by D.A. Brumley.
- The ST Gameshelf by Frank Eva and Steve Panak. This month Ballistix, Batman, Captain Fizz, Twilight's Ransom and Speedball are reviewed
- C-Manship by Clayton Walnum.
- The Personal Publisher by Donavan Vicha.
- Ian's Quest by Ian Chadwick.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- Boot Camp by Tom Hudson.
- From Over the Big Water by Marshal M. Rosenthal.
- The Compukid Connection by D.A. Brumleve.
- BASIC Training by Clayton Walnum.
- PD Parade by George L. Smyth.
- Assembly Line by Frank Cohen.
- The ST Macintosh by Clayton Walnum.
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum.
- Reader Comment
- News Clips
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Disk Contents
- Footnotes by Karl E. Wiegers.
- DIR3 by Matthew J. W. Ratcliff. Finally, a "three across" directory utility. You'll never again have the filenames scroll off the screen.
- TURTLE GROOVES by Greg Knauss. Keeping a marble rolling on a track made up of movable tiles is challenge enough - but how will you fare with two marbles? Three? This commercial-quality game includes an editor for creating your own screens.
- ASSEMBLER/EDITOR REFERENCE, PART 2 by Matthew J. W. Ratcliff. The complete overview of the commands and functions of the Atari Assembler/Editor cartridge is concluded.
- SKYRISER by Frank Martone. It ain't easy to build a skyscraper. It's even tougher when you have to beat the competition.
- ACCESS TO COMPUTERS by Tom Arterburn. How one Atari club brings smiles to the faces of underprivileged children.
- DIALOG BOXES WITH GFA BASIC 3.0 by David Plotkin. Part 2 of this helpful tutorial completes our discussion of this segment of GEM programming with GFA BASIC.
- TRUCHET TILES by Frank Kweder. A fascinating look at a graphics system designed to portray binary data in visual form.
- SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Development Life Cycles by Karl E. Wiegers. Various types of software-development cycles are discussed in this month's installment of the popular series.
- MASSAGING YOUR MEGAFILE by Gregg Anderson. Everything you need to know to more than double the storage capacity of your Megafile 20 hard drive.
- THE DEGAS ELITE IMAGE GENERATOR by Robert Birmingham & Richard Leinecker. This desk accessory communicates directly with DEGAS Elite, allowing you to create image data files from your pictures.
- HiSoft BASIC by Ian Chadwick.
- The ST Gameshelf by Peter A. Smith, Frank Eva and Steve Panak. This month, Lost Dutchman Mine, Battle Chess, World Karate Championship, Renegade and Thunder Blade.
- Summer Games by Matthew J. W. Ratcliff.
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks.
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger.
- C-manship by Clayton Walnum.
- Personal Publisher by Donavan Vicha.
- Ian's Quest by Ian Chadwick.
- From Over the Big Water by Marshal M. Rosenthal.
- The Compukid Connection by D. A. Brumleve.
- Boot Camp by Frank Cohen.
- BASIC Training by Clayton Walnum.
- Editorial by Frank Cohen.
- Reader Comment
- News Clips
- M/L Editor by Clayton Walnum.
- Disk Contents
- Footnotes by Karl E. Wiegers.
- ST Gossip From Hollywood by TG.