Microcomputer Family
Programming Manual
In all of the discussions on addressing, it has been assumed that
either the exact location or at least a relation to an exact location of a
memory address was known.
Although this is true in most of the programming for control applications,
there are certain types of programming and applications which require
that the basic program not be working with known memory locations but
only with a known order for accessing memory. This type of programming is
called re-entrant coding and is often used in servicing interrupts.
To implement this type of addressing, the microprocessor maintains a
separate address generator which is used by the program to access memory.
This address generator uses a push down stack concept.
Discussions of push down stacks are usually best stated considering
that if one were given 3 cards, an ace, a king and a ten and were told that
the order of cards was important and asked to lay them down on the table in
the order in which they were given, ace first, the king on top of it and
finally the ten, and then if they were retrieved, 1 card at a time, the ten
is retrieved first even though it was put on last, the king is retrieved
second, the ace retrieved last, even though it was put on first.
The only commands needed to implement this operation are "put next
card on stack" and "pull next card from the stack." The stack could be
processing clubs and then go to diamonds and back to clubs. However, we
know that while we are processing clubs, we will always find ten first,
king second, etc.
The hardware implementation of the ordered card stack which just
described is a 16-bit counter, into which the address of a memory location
is stored. This counter is called a "Stack Pointer." Every time data is
to be pushed onto the stack, the stack pointer is put out on the address
bus, data is written into the memory addressed by the stack pointer, and
the stack pointer is decremented by 1 as may be seen in Example 8.1.
Every time data is pulled from the stack, the stack pointer is incremented
by 1. The stack pointer is put out on the address bus, and data is read
from the memory location addressed by the stack pointer. This implementation
using the stack pointer gives the effect of a push down stack which
is program independent addressing.
Example 8.1: Basic stack map for 3-deep JMP to subroutine sequence
Stack Address Data
01FF PCH 1
01FE PCL 1
01FD PCH 2
01FC PCL 2
01FB PCH 3
01FA PCL 3
In the above example, the stack pointer starts out at OlFF. The stack
pointer is used to store the first state of the program counter by storing
the content of program counter high at OlFF and the content of program
counter low at OlFE. The stack pointer would now be pointed at OlFD. The
second time the store program count is performed, the program counter high
number is stored on the stack at 01FD and the program counter low is stored
at 01FC. The stack pointer would now be pointing at 01FB. The same procedure
is used to store the third program counter.
When data is taken from the stack, the PCL 3 will come first and the
PCH 3 will come second just by adding 1 to the stack pointer before each
memory read. The example above contains the program count for 3 successive
jump and store operations where the jump transfers control to a subroutine
and stores the value of the program counter onto the stack in order to remember
to which address the program should return after completion of the
Following is an example of a program that would create the Example 8.1
stack operation.
This is known as subroutine nesting and is often encountered in solving
complex control equations.
To correctly use the stack for this type of operation requires a jump
to subroutine and a return from subroutine instruction.
This instruction transfers control of the program counter to a subroutine
location but leaves a return pointer on the stack to allow the
user to return to perform the next instruction in the main program after
the subroutine is complete. To accomplish this, JSR instruction stores the
program counter address which points to the last byte of the jump instruction
onto the stack using the stack pointer. The stack byte contains the
program count high first, followed by program count low. The JSR then
transfers the addresses following the jump instruction to the program
counter low and the program counter high, thereby directing the program
to begin at that new address.
The symbolic notation for this is PC + 2+, (PC + 1) → PCL,
(PC + 2) → PCH.
The JSR instruction affects no flags, causes the stack pointer to be
decremented by 2 and substitutes new values into the program counter low
and the program counter high. The addressing mode for the JSR is always
Example 8.3 gives the details of a JSR instruction.
Example 8.3: Illustration of JSR instruction
Program Memory
PC Data
0100 JSR
0101 ADL
0102 ADH Subroutine
Stack Memory
Pointer Stack
01FE 02
01FF 01
External Internal
Cycle Address Bus Data Bus Operations Operations
1 0100 OP CODE Fetch Finish Previous
Instruction Operation; Increment
PC to 0101
2 0101 New ADL Fetch Decode JSR;
New ADL Increment PC to 0102
3 01FF Store ADL
4 01FF PCH Store PCH Hold ADL, Decrement
S to 01FE
5 01FE PCL Store PCL Hold ADL, Decrement
S to 01FD
6 0102 ADH Fetch ADH Store Stack Pointer
7 ADH, ADL New Fetch New ADL → PCL
* S denotes "Stack Pointer."
In this example, it can be seen that during the first cycle the microprocessor
fetches the JSR instruction. During the second cycle, address
low for new program counter low is fetched. At the end of cycle 2, the
microprocessor has decoded the JSR instruction and holds the address low
in the microprocessor until the stack operations are complete.
NOTE: The stack is always stored in Page 1 (Hex address 0100-01FF).
The operation of the stack in the MCS650X microprocessor is such that
the stack pointer is always left pointing at the next memory location into
which data can be stored. In Example 8.3, the stack pointer is assumed to
be at OlFF in the beginning and PC at location 0100. During the third
cycle, the microprocessor puts the stack pointer onto the address lines and
on the fourth writes the contents of the current value of the program counter
high, 01, into the memory location indicated by the stack pointer address.
During the time that the write is being accomplished, the stack pointer is
being automatically decremented by 1 to 01FE. During the fifth cycle the
PCL is stored in the next memory location with the stack pointer being automatically
It should be noted that the program counter low, which is now stored
in the stack, is pointing at the last address in the JSR sequence. This
is not what would be expected as a result of a JSR instruction. It would
be expected that the stack points at the next instruction. This apparent
anomaly in the machine is corrected during the Return from Subroutine instruction.
Note: At the end of the JSR instruction, the values on the stack contain
the program counter low and the program counter high which referenced
the last address of the JSR instruction. Any subroutine calls which want
to use the program counter as an intermediate pointer must consider this
fact. It should be noted also that the Return from Subroutine instruction
performs an automatic increment at the end of the RTS which means that any
program counters which are substituted on the stack must be 1 byte or 1
pointer count less than the program count to which the programmer expects
the RTS to return.
The advantage of delaying the accessing of the address high until
after the current program counter can be written in the stack is that only
the address low has to be stored in the microprocessor. This has the
effect of shortening the JSR instruction by 1 byte and also minimizing internal
storage requirements.
After both program counter low and high have been transferred to the
stack, the program counter is used to access the next byte which is the address
high for the JSR. During this operation, the sixth cycle, internally
the microprocessor is storing the stack pointer which is now pointing at
OlFD or the next location at which memory can be loaded.
During the seventh cycle the address high from the data bus and the
address low stored in the microprocessor are transferred to the new program
counter and are used to access the next OP CODE, thus making JSR a 6-cycle
At the completion of the subroutine the programmer wants to return to
the instruction following the Jump-to-Subroutine instruction. This is
accomplished by transferring the last 2 stack bytes to the program counter
which allows the microprocessor to resume operations at the instruction following
the JSR, and it is done by means of the RTS instruction.
This instruction loads the program count low and program count high
from the stack into the program counter and increments the program counter
Ro that it points to the instruction following the JSR. The stack pointer
is adjusted by incrementing it twice.
The symbolic notation for the RTS is PC+, INC PC.
The RTS instruction does not affect any flags and affects only PCL
and PCH. RTS is a single-byte instruction and its addressing mode is Implied.
The following Example 8.4 gives the details of the RTS instruction.
It is the complete reverse of the JSR shown in Example 8.3.
Example 8.4: Illustration of RTS instruction
Program Memory
PC Data
0300 RTS
0301 ?
Stack Memory
Stack Pointer Stack
01FD ?
01FE 02
01FF 01
Return from Subroutine (Example)
External Internal
Cycle Address Bus Data Bus Operations Operations
1 0300 OP CODE Fetch Finish Previous
OP CODE Operation, 0301 → PC
2 0301 Discarded Fetch Dis- Decode RTS
Data carded Data
3 01FD Discarded Fetch Dis- Increment Stack
Data carded Data Pointer to 01FE
4 01FE 02 Fetch PCL Increment Stack
Pointer to 01FF
5 01FF 01 Fetch PCH
6 0102 Discarded Put Out PC Increment PC by 1
Data to 103
7 0103 Next Fetch Next
As we can see, the RTS instruction effectively unwinds what was done
to the stack in the JSR instruction. Because RTS is a single-byte
instruction it wastes the second memory access in doing a look-ahead operation.
During the second cycle the value located at the next program address
after the RTS is read but not used in this operation. It should be
noted that the stack is always left pointing at the next empty location,
which means that to pull off the stack, the microprocessor has to wait 1
cycle while it adds 1 to the stack address. This is done to shorten the
interrupt sequence which will be discussed below; therefore, cycle 3 is a
dead cycle in which the microprocessor fetches but does not use the current
value of the stack and, like the fetch of address low on Indexed and Zero
Page Indexed operations, does nothing other than initialize the microprocessor
to the proper state. It can be seen that the stack pointer decrements
as data is pushed on to the stack and increments as data is
pulled from the stack. In the fourth cycle of the RTS, the microprocessor
puts out the OlFE address, reads the data stored there which is the program
count low which was written in the second write cycle of the JSR.
During the fifth cycle, the microprocessor puts out the incremented stack
picking up the program count high which was written in the first write cycle
of the JSR.
As is indicated during the discussions of JSR, the program counter
stored on the stack really points to the last address of the JSR instruction
itself; therefore, during the sixth cycle the RTS causes the program
count from the stack to be incremented. That is the only purpose of the
sixth cycle. Finally, in the seventh cycle, the incremented program counter
is used to fetch the next instruction; therefore, RTS takes 6 cycles.
Because every subroutine requires 1 JSR followed by 1 RTS, the time
to jump to and return from a subroutine is 12 cycles.
In the previous 2 examples, we have shown the operations of the JSR
located in location 100 and the RTS located in location 300. The following
pictorial diagram. Example 8.5, illustrates how the memory map for
this operation might look:
With this capability of subroutining, the microprocessor allows the
programmer to go from the main program to 1 subroutine, to the second subroutine,
to a third subroutine, then finally working its way back to the
main program. Example 8.6 is an expansion of Example 8.2 with the returns
This concept is known as nesting of subroutines, and the number of
subroutines which can be called and returned from in such a manner is
limited by only the length of the stack.
As we have seen, the primary requirement for the stack is that irrespective
of where or when a stack operation is called, the microprocessor
must have an independent counter or register which contains the current
memory location value of the stack address. This register is called the
Stack Pointer, S. The stack becomes an auxiliary field in memory which
is basically independent of programmer control. We will discuss later how
the stack pointer becomes initialized, but once it is initialized, the primary
requirement is that it be self-adjusted; in other words, operations
which put data on the stack cause the pointer to be decremented automatically;
operations which take data off from the stack cause the pointer to
be incremented automatically. Only under rare circumstances should the
programmer find it necessary to move his stack from one location to another
if he is using the stack as designed.
On this basis, there is no need for a stack to be longer than 256 bytes
To perform a single subroutine call takes only 2 bytes of stack memory.
To perform an interrupt takes only 3 bytes of stack memory. Therefore,
with 256 bytes, one can access 128 subroutines deep or interrupt ourselves
85 times. Therefore the length of the stack is extremely unlikely to be
limiting. The MCS6501 through MCS6505 have a 256-byte stack length.
Figure 8.1, which is now the complete block diagram, shows all of the
microprocessor registers. The 8-bit stack pointer register, S, has been
added. It is initialized by the programmer and thereafter automatically
increments or decrements , depending on whether data is being put on to the
stack or taken off the stack by the microprocessor under control of the
program or the interrupt lines.
The primary purpose of the stack is to furnish a block of memory locations
in which the microprocessor can write data such as the program counter
for use in later processing. In many control systems the requirements
for Read/Write memory are very small and the stack just represents another
demand on Read/Write memory. Therefore these applications would like the
stack to be in the Page Zero location in order that memory allocation for
the stack, the Zero Page operations, and the indirect addresses can be
performed. Therefore, one of the requirements of a stack is that it be
easily locatable into Page Zero.
On the other hand, if more than 1 page of RAM is needed because of the
amount of data that must be handled by the user programs, having the stack
in Page Zero is an unnecessary waste of Page Zero memory in the sense that
the stack can take no real advantage of being located in Zero Page, whereas
other operations can.
In each of the examples, the stack has been located at high order
address 01 followed by a low order address . In the same manner as the
microprocessor forces locations 00 on to the high order 8 bits of the
address lines for Zero Page operations, the microprocessor automatically
puts 01 Hex on to the high order 8-bit address lines during each stack
operation. This has the advantage to the user of locating the stack into
Page One of memory which would be the next memory location added if the
Zero Page operation requirements exceed Page Zero memory capacity. This
has the advantage of the stack not requiring memory to be added specifically
for the stack but only requiring the allocation of existing memory
locations. It should be noted that the selected addressing concepts of
the MCS650X microprocessor support devices would involve connecting the
memories such that bit 8, which is the selection bit for the Page One
versus Page Zero, is a "don't care" for operations in which the user does
not need more than 1 page of Read/Write memory. This gives the user the
effect of locating stack in Page Zero for those applications.
The second feature that should be noted from the examples is that
the stack was located at the end of Page One and decremented from that
point towards the beginning of the page. This is the natural operation of
the stack. RAM memory comes in discrete increments, 64, 128, 256 bytes so
the normal method of allocating stack addressing is for the user to calculate
the number of bytes probably needed for stack access. This could be
done by analyzing the number of subroutines which might be called and the
amount of data which might be put onto the stack in order to communicate
between subroutines or the number of interrupts plus subroutines which
might occur with the respective data that would be stored on the stack for
each of them. By counting 3 bytes for each interrupt, 2 bytes for each
jump to subroutine, plus 1 byte for each programmer-controlled stack operation,
the microprocessor designer can estimate the amount of memory which
must be allocated for the stack. This is part of his decision-making process
in deciding how much memory is necessary for his whole program.
Once the allocation has been made, it is recommended that the user
assign his working storage from the beginning of memory forward and always
load his stack at the end of either Page Zero, Page One, or at the end of
his physical memory which is located in one of those locations. This will
give the effect of having the highest bytes of memory allocated to the
stack, lower bytes of memory allocated to user working storage and hopefully
the two shall never overlap.
It should be noted that the natural operation of the stack, which often
is called by hardware not totally under program control, is such that it
will continue to decrement throughout the page to which it is allocated irrespective
of the user's desire to have it do so. A normal mistake in allocation
in memory can result in the user writing data into a memory location
and later accessing it with another subroutine or another part of his program,
only to find that the stack has very carefully written over that area
as the result of its performing hardware control operations . This is one
of the more difficult problems to diagnose. If this problem is suspected
by the programmer, he should analyze memory locations higher than unexplained
disturbed locations.
There is a distinctive pattern for stack operations which are unique
to the user's program but which are quite predictable. An analysis of the
value which has been destroyed will often indicate that it is part of an
which would normally be expected during the execution of the program
between the time data was stored and the time it was fetched. This is
a very strong indication of the fact that the stack somehow or other did get
into the user's program area. This is almost always caused by improper control
of interrupt lines or unexpected operations of interrupt or subroutine
calls and has only 2 solutions: (1) If the operation is normal and predictable,
the user must assign more memory to his program and particularly reassign
his memory such that the stack has more room to operate; or (2) if
the operation of the interrupt lines is not predictable, attention must be
given to solving the hardware problem that causes this type of unpredictable
8.3.1 Summary of Stack Implementation
The MCS6501 through MCS6505 microprocessors have a single 8-bit
stack register. This register is automatically incremented and decremented
under control of the microprocessor to perform stack manipulation
operations, under direction of the user program or the interrupt
lines. Once the programmer has initialized the stack pointer to the
end of whatever memory he wants the stack to operate in, the programmer
can ignore stack addressing other than in those cases where there
is an interference between stack operations and his normal program
working space.
In the MCS6501 through MCS6505, the stack is automatically
located in Page One. The microprocessor always puts out the address
0100 plus stack register for every stack operation. By selected memory
techniques, the user can either locate the stack in Page Zero or
Page One, depending on whether or not Page One exists for his hardware.
Discussed in Section 8.1 was the use of the JSR to call a subroutine.
However, not indicated was the technique by which the subroutine knew
which data to operate on. There are 3 classical techniques for communicating
data between subroutines. The first and most straightforward technique
is that each subroutine has a defined set of working registers located
in the Page Zero in which the user has left values to be operated on by the
subroutine. The registers can either contain the values directly or can
contain indirect pointers to addresses to values which would be operated
on. The following example shows the combination of these:
Example 8.7: Call-a-move subroutine using preassigned memory locations
Location 10 = Count
Location 11, 12 = Base from Address
Location 13, 14 = Base to Address
Main Line Routine
No. of
Bytes Instruction Comment
2 LDA #Count -1 Load Fixed Value for the Move
2 STA 10
2 STA 12 Set up "FROM" Pointer
2 STA 11
2 STA 13
2 STA 14 Set up "TO" Pointer
23 bytes
Subroutine Coding
No. of
Bytes Label Instruction
2 SUB1 LDY 10
2 LOOP LDA (11), Y
2 STA (13), Y
total 33 bytes
As has been previously developed, the loop time is the overriding consideration
rather than setup time for a large number of executions.
It can be seen that we have used the techniques developed in previous
sections of the indirect referencing, the jump to subroutine and the return
from subroutine to perform this type of subroutine value communication.
In this operation, there was no use of the stack except for the program
counter value.
A second form of communication is the use of the stack itself as an
intermediate storage for data which is going to be communicated to the
subroutine. In order for the programmer to use the stack as an intermediate
storage, he needs instructions which allow him to put data on the stack and
to read from the stack. These instructions are known as push and pull instructions.
This instruction transfers the current value of the accumulator to
the next location on the stack, automatically decrementing the stack to
point to the next empty location.
The symbolic notation for this operation is A^. Noted should be that
the notation 4- means push to the stack, f means pull from the stack.
The Push A instruction only affects the stack pointer register which
is decremented by 1 as a result of the operation. It affects no flags.
PHA is a single-byte instruction and its addressing mode is Implied.
The following example shows the operations which occur during Push A
Example 8.8: Operation of PHA, assuming stack at 01FF
External Internal
Cycle Address Bus Data Bus Operations Operations
1 0100 OP CODE Fetch Finish Previous
Instruction Operation, Increment
PC to 0101
2 0101 Next Fetch Next Interpret PHA Instruction,
and Discard P-Counter
3 01FF (A) Write A on Decrement Stack
Stack Pointer to 01FE
4 0101 Next Fetch Next
As can be seen, the PHA takes 3 cycles and takes advantage of the
fact that the stack pointer is pointing to the correct location to write
the value of A. As a result of this operation, the stack pointer will be
setting at 01FF. The notation (A) implies contents of A. Now that the
data is on the stack, later on in the program the programmer will call for
the data to be retrieved from the stack with a PLA instruction.
This instruction adds 1 to the current value of the stack pointer and
uses it to address the stack and loads the contents of the stack into the
A register.
The symbolic notation for this is A↑.
The PLA instruction does not affect the carry or overflow flags. It
sets N if the bit 7 is on in accumulator A as a result of instructions,
otherwise it is reset. If accumulator A is zero as a result of the PLA,
then the Z flag is set, otherwise it is reset. The PLA instruction changes
content of the accumulator A to the contents of the memory location at
stack register plus 1 and also increments the stack register.
The PLA instruction is a single-byte instruction and the addressing
mode is Implied.
In the following example, the data stored on the stack in Example 8.8
is transferred to the accumulator.
Example 8.9: Operation of PLA stack from Example 8.8
External Internal
Cycle Address Bus Data Bus Operations Operations
1 0200 PLA Fetch Finish Previous Operation,
Instruction Increment PC to
2 0201 Next Fetch Next Interpret Instruction,
OP CODE OP CODE and Hold P-Counter
3 01FE Read Stack Increment Stack Pointer
to 01FF
4 01FF (A) Fetch A Save Stack
5 0201 Next Fetch Next M → A
When taking data off the stack, there is 1 extra cycle during which
time the current contents of the stack register are accessed but not used
and the stack pointer is incremented by 1 to allow access to the value
that was previously stored on the stack. The stack pointer is left pointing
at this location because it is now considered to be an empty location
to be used by the stack during a subsequent operation.
In Example 8.10, we perform the same operation as we did in Example 8.7;
only here, instead of using fixed locations to pick up the pointers, we are
going to use the stack as a communications vehicle:
Example 8.10: Call-a-move subroutine using the stack to communicate
Location 11, 12 = Base "FROM" Address
Location 13, 14 = Base "TO" Address
Main Line Routine
Bytes Instruction
2 LDA #Count -1
1 STA 14 Set up "TO" Pointer
Bytes Label Instruction Comments
2 SUB1 LDX 6
2 STA 10,X
1 DEX Move Stack to Memory
2 PLA Set up Count
2 LOOP2 LDA (11),Y
2 LDA (13),Y Move Memory Location
2 LDA 15
2 LDA 16 Restore PC to Stack
Total 42 Bytes
We can see from this example that using the stack as a communication
vehicle actually increases the number of bytes in the subroutine and the
total bytes overall. However, the only time one should be using subroutines
in this case is when the subroutine is fairly long and the number of times
the subroutine is used is fairly frequent. This technique does reduce the
number of bytes in the calling sequence. The calling sequence is normally
repeated once for every time the instruction is called; therefore the use
of the stack to communicate should result in a net reduction in the number
of bytes used in the total program.
Up until this time, we have been considering that the stack is at a
fixed location and that all stack references use the stack pointer. It
has not been explained how the stack pointer in the microprocessor gets
loaded and accessed. This is done through communication between the stack
pointer and index register X.
This instruction transfers the value in the index register X to the
stack pointer.
Symbolic notation is X → S.
TXS changes only the stack pointer, making it equal to the content of
the index register X. It does not affect any of the flags.
TXS is a single-byte instruction and its addressing mode is Implied
Another application for TXS is the concept of passing parameters to
the subroutine by storing them immediately after the jump to subroutine
In Example 8.11, the from and to address, plus the count of number of
values would be written right after the JSR instruction and its address.
By locating the stack in Page Zero, the address of the last byte of
the JSR can be incremented to point at the parameter bytes and then used
as an indirect pointer to move the parameter to its memory location.
The key to this approach is transferring the stack pointer to X which
allows the program to operate directly on the address while it is in the
It should be noted that this approach automatically leaves the address
on the stack, positioned so that the RTS picks up the next OP CODE address.
Example 8.11: Jump to subroutine (JSR) followed by parameters
Address Bus Data
0100 JSR
0101 ADL
0102 ADH
0103 To High
0104 To Low
0105 From High
0106 From Low
0107 Count
0108 Next OP CODE
Before concluding this discussion on subroutines and parameter passing,
one should again note the use of subroutines should be limited to those
cases where the user expects to duplicate code of significant length several
times in the program. In these cases, and only in these cases, is
subroutine call warranted rather than the normal mode of knowing the
addresses and specifying them in an instruction. In all cases where timing
is of significant interest, subroutines should also be avoided. Subroutines
add significantly to the setup and execution time of problem solution. However,
subroutines definitely have their place in microcomputer code and
there have been presented 3 alternatives for use in application programs.
The user will find a combination of the above techniques most useful for
solving his particular problem.
This instruction transfers the value in the stack pointer to the
index register X.
Symbolic notation is S → X.
TSX does not affect the carry or overflow flags. It sets N if
bit 7 is on in index X as a result of the instruction, otherwise it is
reset. If index X is zero as a result of the TSX, the Z flag is set, otherwise
it is reset. TSX changes the value of index X, making it equal to
the content of the stack pointer.
TSX is a single-byte instruction and the addressing mode is Implied.
During the interrupt sequences, the current contents of the processor
status register (P) are saved on the stack automatically. However, there
are times in a program where the current contents of the P register must
be saved for performing some type of other operation. A particular example
of this would be the case of a subroutine which is called independently and
which involves decimal arithmetic. It is important that the programmer
keeps track of the arithmetic mode the program is in at all times. One way
to do this is to establish the convention that the machine will always be
in binary or decimal mode, with every subroutine changing its mode being
responsible for restoring it back to the known state. This is a superior
convention to the one that is about to be described.
A more general convention would be one in which the subroutine that
wanted to change modes of operation would push P onto the stack, then set
the decimal mode to perform the subroutine and then pull P back from the
stack prior to returning from the subroutine.
Instructions which allow the user to accomplish this are as follows:
This instruction transfers the contents of the processor status register
unchanged to the stack, as governed by the stack pointer.
Symbolic notation for this is P↓.
The PHP instruction affects no registers or flags in the microprocessor.
PHP is a single-byte instruction and the addressing mode is Implied
This instruction transfers the next value on the stack to the Processor
Status register, thereby changing all of the flags and setting the mode
switches to the values from the stack.
Symbolic notation is P↑.
The PLP instruction affects no registers in the processor other than
the status register. This instruction could affect all flags in the status
PLP is a single-byte instruction and the addressing mode is Implied.
The stack in the MCS650X family is a push-down stack implemented
by a processor register called the stack pointer which the programmer initializes
by means of a Load X immediately followed by a TXS instruction and
thereafter is controlled by the microprocessor which loads data into memory
based on an address constructed by adding the contents of the stack
pointer to a fixed address. Hex address 0100. Every time the microprocessor
loads data into memory using the stack pointer, it automatically decrements
the stack pointer, thereby leaving the stack pointer pointing at the
next open memory byte. Every time the microprocessor accesses data from
the stack, it adds 1 to the current value of the stack pointer and reads
the memory location by putting out the address 0100 plus the stack pointer.
The status register is automatically pointing at the next memory location
to which data can now be written. The stack makes an interesting place to
store interim data without the programmer having to worry about the actual
memory location in which data will be directly stored.
There are 8 instructions which affect the stack. They are: BRK,
BRK and RTI involve the handling of the interrupts.