
Microcomputer Family

Programming Manual

ADC Add Memory to Accumulator with CarryJSR Jump to New Location Saving Return Address
AND "AND" Memory with Accumulator
ASL Shift Left One Bit (Memory or Accumulator)LDA Load Accumulator with Memory
LDX Load Index X with Memory
BCC Branch on Carry ClearLDY Load Index Y with Memory
BCS Branch on Carry SetLSR Shift Right One Bit (Memory or Accumulator)
BEQ Branch on Result Zero
BIT Test Bits in Memory with AccumulatorNOP No Operation
BMI Branch on Result Minus
BNE Branch on Result not ZeroORA "OR" Memory with Accumulator
BPL Branch on Result PlusPHA Push Accumulator on Stack
BRK Force BreakPHP Push Processor Status on Stack
BVC Branch on Overflow ClearPLA Pull Accumulator from Stack
BVS Branch on Overflow SetPLP Pull Processor Status from Stack
CLC Clear Carry FlagROL Rotate One Bit Left (Memory or Accumulator)
CLD Clear Decimal ModeROR Rotate One Bit Right (Memory or Accumulator)
CLI Clear Interrupt Disable BitRTI Return from Interrupt
CLV Clear Overflow FlagRTS Return from Subroutine
CMP Compare Memory and Accumulator
CPX Compare Memory and Index XSBC Subtract Memory from Accumulator with Borrow
CPY Compare Memory and Index YSEC Set Carry Flag
SED Set Decimal Mode
DEC Decrement Memory by OneSEI Set Interrupt Disable Status
DEX Decrement Index X by OneSTA Store Accumulator in Memory
DEY Decrement Index Y by OneSTX Store Index X in Memory
STY Store Index Y in Memory
EOR "Exclusive-Or" Memory with Accumulator
TAX Transfer Accumulator to Index X
INC Increment Memory by OneTAY Transfer Accumulator to Index Y
INX Increment Index X by OneTSX Transfer Stack Pointer to Index X
INY Increment Index Y by One TXATransfer Index X to Accumulator
TXS Transfer Index X to Stack Pointer
JMP Jump to New LocationTYA Transfer Index Y to Accumulator
A.1 INTRODUCTION The microprocessor instruction set is divided into three basic groups. The first group has the greatest addressing flexibility and consists of the most general purpose instructions such as Load, Add, Store, etc. The second group includes the Read, Modify, Write instructions such as Shift, Increment, Decrement and the Register X movement instructions. The third group contains all the remaining instructions, including all stack operations, the register Y, compares for X and Y and instructions which do not fit naturally into Group One or Group Two. There are eight Group One instructions, eight Group Two instructions, and all of the 39 remaining instructions are Group Three instructions. The three groups are obtained by organizing the OP CODE pattern to give maximum addressing flexibility (16 addressing combinations) to Group One, to give eight combinations to Group Two instructions and the Group Three instructions are basically individually decoded. A.2 GROUP ONE INSTRUCTIONS These instructions are: Add With Carry (ADC), (AND), Compare (CMP), Exclusive Or (EOR) , Load A (LDA) , Or (ORA) , Subtract With Carry (SBC) , and Store A (STA) . Each of these instructions has a potential for 16 addressing modes. However, in the MCS6501 through MCS6505, only eight of the available modes have been used. Addressing modes for Group One are: Immediate, Zero Page, Zero Page Indexed by X, Absolute, Absolute Indexed by X, Absolute Indexed by Y, Indexed Indirect, Indirect Indexed. The unused eight addressing modes are to be used in future versions of the MCS650X product family to allow addressing of additional on-chip registers, of on-chip I/O ports, and to allow two byte word processing. A.3 GROUP TWO INSTRUCTIONS Group Two instructions are primarily Read, Modify, Write instructions. There are really two subcategories within the Group Two instructions. The components of the first group are shift and rotate instructions and are: Shift Right (LSR) , Shift Left (ASL) , Rotate Left (ROL) , and Rotate Right (ROR). The second subgroup includes the Increment (INC) and Decrement (DEC) instructions and the two index register X instructions, Load X (LDX) and Store X (STX) . These instructions would normally have eight addressing modes available to them because of the bit pattern. However, to allow for upward expansion, only the following addressing modes have been defined: Zero Page, Zero Page Indexed by X, Absolute, Absolute Indexed by X, and a special Accumulator (or Register) mode. The four shift instructions all have register A operations; the incremented or decremented Load X and Store X instructions also have accumulator modes although the Increment and Decrement Accumulator has been reserved for other purposes. Load X from A has been assigned its own mnemonic, TAX. Also included in this group are the special functions of Decrement X which is one of the special cases of Store X. Included also in this group in the X decodes are the TXS and TSX instructions. All Group One instructions have all addressing modes available to each instruction. In the case of Group Two instructions, another addressing mode has been added; that of the accumulator and the other special decodes have also been implemented in this basic group. However, the primary function of Group Two instructions is to perform some memory operation using the appropriate index. It should be noted for documentation purposes that the X instructions have a special mode of addressing in which register Y is used for all indexing operations; thus, instead of Zero Page Indexed by X, X instructions have Zero Page Indexed by Y, and instead of having Absolute Indexed by X, X instructions have Absolute Indexed by Y. A.4 GROUP THREE INSTRUCTIONS There are really two major classifications of Group Three instructions; the modify Y register instructions. Load Y (LDY) , Store Y (STY) , Compare Y (CPY) , and Compare X (CPX) , instructions actually occupy about half of the OP CODE space for the Group Three instructions. Increment X (INX) and Increment Y (INY) are special subsets of the Compare X and Compare Y instructions and all of the branch instructions are in the Group Three instructions. Instructions in this group consist of all of the branches: BCC, BCS, BEQ, BMI, BNE, BPL, BPC and EPS. All of the flag operations are also devoted to one addressing mode; they are: CLC, SEC, CLD, SED, CLI, SEI and CLV. All of the push and pull instructions and stack operation instructions are Group Three instructions. These include: BEK, JSR, PHA, PHP, PLA and PLP. The JMP and BIT instructions are also included in this group. There is no common addressing mode available to members of this group. Load Y, Store Y, BIT, Compare X and Compare Y have Zero Page and Absolute, and all of the Y and X instructions allow Zero Page Indexed operations and Immediate.