Microcomputer Family
Programming Manual
It should be noted that in the following discussions, the major
difference between the MCS6530 I/O and the main register of the MCS6520
is that the extra bit in the control register need not be used in the
MCS6530. All registers in the MCS6530 are directly addressable.
In Example 11.1 a programming form to describe the PIA is shown.
The programming form is used in the Cross-Assembler and Resident
Assembler with the MCS650X product family. The notation * = is used
to define any location. The notation means that the assembler instruction
counter is set equal to the value following the equal sign. The
expression * = * + 1 causes the assembler to recognize that there is
one byte of memory associated with the term; therefore, we can see
that the definition of the four registers PIAD, PIAC, PIBD and PIBC
are consecutive memory locations starting at some base address, with
the first byte addressed as PIAD, the second byte addressed as PIAC, the
third byte addressed as PIBD, and the fourth byte as PIBC. This is
a normal way a MCS6520 would be organized and this is the way the
programming form should be set up. The base address is picked up by
an algorithm described in the hardware manual but normally it is a
value between 4004 and 4080 Hex. Each MCS6520 is given a base address
which works progressively up from 4004 Hex.
In Example 11.1 two registers are shown in dotted lines. This is
because each of the A DATA (AD) and B DATA (BD) parts of the MCS6520
are actually two registers having the same address, one which specifies
the direction of each of the input/output paths (the Data Direction
Register) , the second one which is actually the connection to the input/
output paths (the Data Register). Because of pin limitations on
the MCS6520, the microprocessor can only directly address one of the
registers at a time. Differentiation as to which register is being connected
to the microprocessor is a function of bit 2 in the respective
control register (AC and BC) . If bit 2 is off, the Data Direction Register
is being addressed; if it is on, the Data Register is being addressed.
During the initialization sequence, therefore, the MCS6520 starts
out with all registers at zero. This means that the microprocessor is
addressing the Data Direction Register. The PIA initialization is done
by writing the direction of the pins into the Data Direction Register
CAD, BD) and then setting on the control flag as described below. After
that, the program will normally be dealing with the data registers.
Example 11.2: General PIA Initialization
LDA # DIRECT Initialize Direction
LDA # CONTR Initialize Control
Example 11.2 illustrates a general form of initialization and can
be completed for as many PIA's as there are in the system.
The MCS6520 has a basic interrupt capability which is under control
of the programmer. Almost all MCS6500 I/O devices that allow interrupts
have an interrupt control register that allows the user to disable the
interrupt. This will keep inputs which are not necessarily active from
causing spurious interrupts which must be handled by the microprocessor.
Examples of this are open tape loops or other signals which have high
impedance noise sensitive inputs except when connected to some kind of
media. In this type of application, normally the interrupt is enabled
by some physical action from the person using the device such as loading
of the cassette, pushing the power-on switch, etc. In the case of
the MCS6520, there are two interrupt causing conditions for each
control register.
Each of these interrupts concern themselves with one input pin.
The Control Register allows the programmer to decide whether or not the
pin is sensitive to positive edge signals or negative edge signals and
whether or not an interrupt shall occur when the selected transition
has occurred.
It should be noted that, therefore, it is possible for a line to
cause a status bit to be set without causing an interrupt. The comprehensive
I/O Program in Section 11.5 uses this combination.
Example 11.3: Interrupt Mode Setup
Bit 7 Status Bit: Bits 1 0 Interrupt
Set on Negative Edge 0 0 No
Set on Negative Edge 0 1 Yes
Set on Positive Edge 1 0 No
Set on Positive Edge 1 1 Yes
Bit 6 Status Bit: Bits 4 3* Interrupt
Set on Negative Edge 0 0 No
Set on Negative Edge 0 1 Yes
Set on Positive Edge 1 0 No
Set on Positive Edge 1 1 Yes
*if bit 5 equals zero
The proper combination of bits are usually determined during the
design of the MCS6520 interconnection and form the constant which
is loaded in the control register. The constant that is loaded in
the control register should contain bit 2 on. For example, to allow
bit 7 to be set on negative going signals with interrupt enable and
bit 6 to be set on positive signals with interrupt disable, the
control value would be Hex 15.
With bit 5 on, the pin that controls bit 6 can be set as an
output pin. The output pin is either controllable by the microprocessor
directly or acts as a handshake to reflect the status of reads and
writes of the data register. The operation of the output pins CA2, CB2
depends on how bits 5, 4, and 3 are programmed, as shown in Example 11.4.
Example 11.4: CA2, CB2 Output Control
CA2 Output With: Bit 5 on
Bit 4 Bit 3
Low on read or write for
one cycle 0 0
Low on read or write until 0 1
bit 7 on
Always 0 1 0
Always 1 1 1
The decision as to whether or not to use the one cycle low until
bit 7 comes on is a hardware decisions depending on the device which
is hooked to the pin.
It should be of interest to the programmer to note that bit 6 controls
pins known as CA2 or CB2 which can be considered to be auxiliary
outputs which are controlled by bit 3 assuming the processor is
Example 11.5 shows the use of controlling bit 3 using AND and
OR instructions; however, it should be noted that this technique
applies for any individual bit in the PIA data direction register also:
Example 11.5: Routine to Change CA2 or CB2 Using Bit 3 Control
Set CA2
ORA #$08
Clear CA2
AND #$F7
Note: $ - Direction to Assembler for Hex Notation
# - Direction to Assembler for Production Operator
By similar techniques, every pin in the microprocessors of the
MCS6520 can be controlled. There are two particular notes to remember:
1. In the MCS6520, both bit 6 and bit 7 are cleared on either
side by reading of the corresponding data register if bit 6 has
been set up as an input. This means that polling sequences
for I/O instructions should only read the status registers and
then read the data registers after the status has been determined,
otherwise false clearing of the status data may occur.
2. Even though the handshake for the CB2 pin is on write of B
data, a read of B data must be done to clear bit 7.
11.2.1 Shortcut Polling Sequences
In section 9.7, the techniques for using a LOAD A to poll for
interrupts was covered; however, the I/O devices on the MCS6520
can either set bit 6 or bit 7 on to cause an interrupt; therefore,
a different technique needs to be used to analyze the MCS6520 to
poll a series of 6520 's each one of which could have caused the
interrupt. It is for this purpose that the BIT instruction senses
both bit 6 and bit 7. Coding for a full poll of a PIA is as
Example 11.6: Polling the MCS6520
Interrupt Vector JMP STORE
BIT PIAAC Check for neither 6 or 7
BMI SEVEN If 7 , go to save --
otherwise clear
Process BIT
This program takes full advantage of the BIT instruction by
checking for both bit 7 and 6 clear. BMI to SEVEN just checks N is
on and that N is a higher priority. If bit 6 is one, the overflow
bit will also be set, allowing the finish of the process seven
routine to test the overflow and jump back to the process bit 6
Bit 6 and bit 7 were sampled by the single BIT instruction.
Speed was accomplished by loading the mask for just bit 6 and 7 into
the register which allows the BEQ instruction to determine that
neither of the two flags is on.
This routine depends on the fact that in the MCS6520, if
CA2 or CB2 is an output, bit 6 is always zero.
11.2.2 Bit Organization on MCS6520's
In the microprocessor, there is a definite positional preference
for the testing of single bits. In the MCS6520 Data Direction
Register, it is possible to select any combinations of input/
output pins by the pattern that is loaded in the Data Direction
Register. A one bit corresponds to an output and a zero bit
corresponds to an input. The natural tendency would be to use
MCS6520S with all eight bits organized into a byte. There is
relatively little advantage to organizing this way unless the
eight bits are to be treated as a single byte by the program. This
is often not the case, more often the bits are a collection of
switches, coils, lights, etc.
On such combinations, advantage should be taken of the fact
that bit 7 is directly testable so that a more useful combination
of eight pins on one MCS6520 register would be seven outputs and
a single input with the single input on bit 7. This organization
allows the programmer to load and branch on that location without
ever having to perform a bit or shift instruction to isolate a
particular bit.
A similar capability for setting a single bit involves the
organization of data with seven inputs and a single output with a
single output located in bit 0. This bit may be set or cleared by
an INC or DEC instruction without affecting the rest of the bits
in the register because the input pins ignore signals written from
the microprocessor. Therefore, the more skilled MCS6500 programmer
will often mix single outputs on bit and a single input on bit 7
with bits of the corresponding opposite type.
11.2.3 Use of READ/MODIFY/WRITE Instruction For Keyboard Encoding
A rather unique use of the memory with a READ /MODIFY /WRITE
operation involves setting the data register at all zeros, then
using the three state output of the B side to sample a keyboard.
The following Figure 11.1 shows the connection for a 64 key keyboard
organized 8x8:
The B side is set up to act as a strobe so that each of
the output lines will have a ground on it during one scan cycle.
The eight A side data inputs are then sampled and decoded by the
microprocessor giving a 64 key keyboard which is directly translatable
into code.
Figure 11.1 and Example 11.7 make use of the capability
of the microprocessor to move a bit through the MCS6520 register
location. This program also uses the compare instruction and the
ability to detect a carry during a shift.
Example 11.7: Coding for Strobing an 8 x 8 Keyboard
Output Strobe is indicated by a one in Data Director Register.
Any connection is indicated by a zero in register bit.
LDA #0
STX PIABD Initialize B Data Register
AND #FB Initialize Control Register to
STA PIABC Address Data Direction Register
SEC Set low end bit on
LOOP ROL PIABD Shift for Strobe
LDA PIAAD if all sampled, exit
CMP #FF Check for no zeros
DONE ------- If any zeros, then process them.
A and PIABD can now be used to find out just what key is
Although they have separate addressing, the Data Direction and
Input/Output Registers operate the same as on the MCS6520,
Programming of the Interval Timer has some special problems.
First of all, the time is effectively located in all addresses from
XXX4-XXXF. By picking the proper address, the programmer is able to
control the P scale for the timeout. Initialization of the Interval
Timer is done by a LOAD A followed by STORE A into the timing count.
The value stored in the timing counter represents the number of states
which the counter will count through. The address used to load will
determine how many additional divisions of the basic clock cycle will
be counted.
When the counter finally counts to zero, it continues to count
past zero at the one cycle clock rate in order to give the user an
opportunity to sample the Status Register, then come back and read
the Count Register to determine how long it has been since an
interrupt occurred.
Servicing an interrupt is the same for this Control Register as
for any other interrupting register. Bit 7 is set on in the Status
Register to indicate that the Interval Timer is in the interrupt
state and bit 7 is reset by the reading of the Counter.
11.3.1 Reading of the Counter Register
Because of the nature of counting past zero, the number
in the Count Register is in two's complement form. It can be
added directly to and used to correct the next count in a
sequential string of counts or for correction for one cycle
The specific details of organizing to get coding assembled is a
function of the software that is used to implement the coding. Two
software programs are currently available for the MCS650X family.
The Cross Assembler is available on various time share systems
or for batch use on the user's system. Its documentation is covered in
the Cross-Assembler Manual, publication number 6500-60. The Resident
Assembler is available in the Microcomputer Development Terminal,
as well as for sale in ROMs . The documentation for this is covered in
the Resident Assembler Manual, publication number 6500-65.
The major advantages of using an assembler are that the assembler
takes mnemonics and labels and calculates the fixed code. Reference
to the OP CODE tables in the appendix shows that coding in Hex is
quite difficult because there is no ordered pattern to the instruction
Hex codes.
The Gross Assembler or Resident Assembler allows one to specify all
inputs and outputs in symbolic form on a documented listing. Symbolic
addressing is a technique which has the following advantages over
numerical addressing:
1. It allows the user to postpone until the last minute actual
memory allocation in a program which is being developed. In
a microprocessor that has memory-oriented features such as
Zero Page, memory management is important. It is desirable
to have as many as possible of the read/write values in the
Zero Page. However, until the coding is complete, the organization
of Zero Page may be in doubt. Values which are
originally assigned in Zero Page may not be as valuable there
after some analysis of the coding either indicates that the
applications of these values use indirect references or indexing
by Y which does not allow the program to really take
advantage of Zero Page locations whereas some other code
which may not be as frequently used might still result in a
code reduction by use of Zero Page. This allocation, if all
the fields are defined symbolically, can be done on the
final assembly without any changing in the user's codes.
2. Use of symbolic addresses for programming branches leads to
a better documented program and as one soon determines
calculation of relative branches is difficult and subject
to change any time a coding change is made. For example,
if one has organized a program with a loop in which three
or four branches all return to the same point and then
discovers a programming error which requires a single
instruction to be added between the return point and
various branches, each branch would have to be edited
and recalculated. The s3mibolic assembler accomplishes
this automatically on the next assembly pass.
11.4.1 Label Standards
The MCS650X assemblers have been done on a reserve word
basis in which the various mnemonics which have been described
are always considered to be OP CODE mnemonics. If any three
character fields exactly match a mnemonic then the assembler
assumes that the field is an OP CODE and proceeds to evaluate
the addressing. Any other label may be located in free form
an3nA7here in the coding. This means that one should organize
one's labels such that he never has a three character label
which inadvertently might be considered an OP CODE. The easiest
way to accomplish this is to always follow a pattern on labels.
Good programming practice requires that the user develop
a systems flow chart for his own basic program and individual
flow charts for subroutines before starting the coding. From
the time the routine is flow charted, it is very easy for the
user to then assign a mnemonic label to the basic subroutine.
In this text, notations like LOOP, LOOP 1, etc. are used.
In an ADD, loop would be ADLP.
The MCS650X assembler allows six spaces for
labels. It is good practice to use two characters to generally
identify the subroutine, two more characters for mnemonic purposes
and then a numbering system which allows correlation between
various addresses within a LOOP within a subroutine. By strictly
numbering such that ADLPl is different from ADLP 3, each
can be addresses within the same LOOP.
It is assumed that the PIA's are connected in the normal manner
of Status Register Address equal to Data Register Address +1.
The following table and flow chart defines the program implemented
in the example.
Table #1 contains the address of all of the MCS6520 Status Registers
Table #2 contains the address of the put-away location for the
respective data.
Using six character labels, there are a hundred combinations
of code which could be used in a given routine or
loop without the user having to think through the rest of
mnemonic notation. The use of characters plus a numeric for
all references is sound programming practice. The advantage
of using this technique allows one to use three character
mnemonics without ever interfering with the reserve word of
the microprocessor OP CODE mnemonics because they never have a
numeric in the mnemonic.
Figure 11.3 demonstrates the program flow in support of the Cross-
Assembler listing (Example 11.9) of a time-sharing routine of a program
which illustrates the use of the indexed indirect to perform a search of
eight devices which have active signals for servicing. The implementation
of the eight devices is done in MCS6520's where the MCS6520 status
is set up to be a flag in bit 7 of a Control Register.
Example 11.8: Polling for Active Signal