Microcomputer Family
Programming Manual
In previous sections techniques for using the program counter to
address memory locations after the operation code to develop the address
for a particular operation have been discussed. Other than cases when
the programmer directly changes the program memory, it can be considered
that the addressing modes discussed up until now are fixed or directed
addresses and each has the relative merits discussed under each individual
section. However , a more powerful concept of addressing is that of
computed addressing. There are basically two types of computed addressing;
indexed addressing and indirect addressing.
Indexed addressing uses an address which is computed by means of
modifying the address data accessed by the program counter with an
internal register called an index register.
Indirect addressing uses a computed and stored address which is
accessed by an indirect pointer in the programming sequence.
In the MCS650X product family, both of these modes are used and
combinations of them are available.
Before undertaking the more difficult concepts of indirect addressing
the concept of indexed instructions will be developed.
In order to move five bytes of memory from an address contained
in FIELD 1 to another set of addresses, starting with FIELD 2, the
following program could be written:
Example 6.1: Moving Five Bytes of Data With Straight Line Code
START LDA FIELD 1 ───────\ Move First Value
STA FIELD 2 ───────/
LDA FIELD 1 + 1 ───────\ Move Second Value
STA FIELD 2 + 1 ───────/
LDA FIELD 1 + 2 ───────\ Move Third Value
STA FIELD 2 + 2 ───────/
LDA FIELD 1 + 3 ───────\ Move Fourth Value
STA FIELD 2 + 3 ───────/
LDA FIELD 1 + 4 ───────\ Move Fifth Value
STA FIELD 2 + 4 ───────/
In this example, data is fetched from the first memory location in
FIELD 1, as addressed by the next one or two bytes in program memory.
stored temporarily in A and then written into the first memory location
in FIELD 2, also addressed by the next one or two bytes in program memory.
This sequence is repeated, with only the memory addresses changing, until
all the data has been transferred. This type of programming is called
straight line programming because each repetitive operation is a separate
group of instructions listed in sequence or straight line form in
program memory. This is necessary even though the instruction OP CODES
are identical for each memory transfer operation because the specific
memory addresses are different and require a different code to be written
into the program memory for each transfer.
It takes a total of 10 instructions to accomplish the move when it
is implemented this way. It should be noted that it is not indicated
whether or not FIELD 1 and FIELD 2 are Zero Page addresses or Absolute
If they were Zero Page addresses, the total number of bytes consumed
in solving the problem would be two bytes for each instruction
and thereby requiring 20 bytes of memory; it both FIELD 1 and FIELD 2
were Absolute memory locations, each instruction would take 3 bytes
and this program would require 30 bytes of program storage.
The Zero Page program would execute in three cycles per instruction
or 30 cycles and the Absolute location version would execute
in four cycles per instruction or 40 cycles.
A new concept has been introduced in this example, that of symbolic
notation rather than actual locations for the instructions.
The form that this short program is written in uses symbolic
addressing in which the address of the beginning of the program has
a name START. Symbolic representations of addresses such as "START"
are referred to as labels. The addresses in the two address field
used in this example have also been given names, the first address of the
first field is called FIELD 1; the first address of the second field is
called FIELD 2. Each additional address in the fields has been given
a number which is referenced to the first number; for example, the
third byte in FIELD 1 is FIELD 1+2. All of these concepts are implemented
to simplify the ease of writing a program because the user does
not have to worry about the locations of FIELD 1 and FIELD 2 until after
analyzing the memory needs of the whole program. Symbolic notation also
results in a more readable program.
Translation from symbolic form instructions and addresses into
actual numerical OP CODES and addresses is done by a program called a
symbolic assembler. Several different versions of symbolic assemblers
and cross assemblers are available for the MCS650X product family.
Symbolic notation will be used throughout the remainder of this text
because of its ease of understanding and because individual byte
addresses are unnecessary although for an explanation of a particular
mode, the byte representation may be used.
In this example, only direct addresses were used. A program to
reduce the number of bytes required to move the five values follows:
Example 6.2 is a program listing that corresponds to the flow chart:
Example 6.2: Moving Five Bytes of Data With Loop
START LDA FIELD 1 ─────────┐
OTHER STA FIELD 2 ─────────┘ Move Loop
LDA START + 1 ───────┐
ADC #1 │
LDA OTHER + 1 │ Modify Move Values
ADC #1 │
STA OTHER + 1 ───────┘
CMP #FIELD 2 + 5 ──── Check for End
NOTE: For ease of reading, labels have been written in the form
"FIELD 1", This is incorrect format for use in the various
symbolic assemblers. "FIELD 1" must be written "FIELDl"
when coding for assembler formats.
Assuming Zero Page, direct addressing, Example 6.3 is written
below with one byte per line just as it would appear in program memory.
This will provide a more detailed description of Example 6.2.
Example 6.3: Coded Detail of Moving Fields With Loop
CLC Clear Carry
LDA From Address → A
ADC A + 1 → A
STA A → From Address
LDA To Address → A
ADC A + 1 → A
STA A + To Address
BNE If not, loop to START
In this example, the program is modifying the addresses of one
load instruction and one store instruction rather than writing ten instructions
to move five bytes of data and fifty instructions to move
twenty-five bytes of data.
The address of the Load A instruction is located in memory at
START + 1 and the Store instruction at OTHER + 1. In order to perform
this operation, the address must be modified once for each move operation
until all of the data is moved.
Checking for the end of the moves is accomplished by checking the
results of the address modification to determine if the address exceeds
the end of the second field. When it does, the routine is complete.
If a hundred values were to be moved this program would remain 20
bytes long, whereas the solution to the first problem would require
a program of 200 instructions.
The type of coding used in this example is called a "loop".
Although the program loop in this case requires as many bytes as the
original program, more values could be moved without increasing the
length of the program. The greater the number of repetitive operations
that are to be accomplished, the greater the advantage of the loop
type program over straight line programming.
Important Note: The execution time required to move the five
values is significantly longer using the loop program than the straight
line program. In the straight line program, if a Zero Page operation
is assumed, the time to perform the total move is 30 cycles. Using
the loop program, the execution time to move five values is five times
through the entire loop, which takes 25 cycles. Therefore the time
to move five values is 125 cycles.
While loops have an advantage in coding space efficiency, all loops
cost time. If the programmer has a problem that is extremely time
dependent, taking the loop out and going to straight line programming,
even though it is extremely inefficient in terms of its utilization of
memory, will often solve the timing problem.
The straight line programming technique becomes very useful in some
control applications. However, it is not recommended as a standard
technique but should only be used when there are extreme timing problems,
Using loops will normally save a significant number of bytes but they
will always take more time.
The technique used in the loop program example has two major
1. The necessity to modify program memory. This should be
avoided to take advantage of the ability to put programs
into read only memory with the corresponding savings in
hardware costs.
2. Although this is the simplist form of computed addressing,
less program bytes would be necessary than the more sophisticated
form of program shown in the following flow chart:
In the MCS650X microprocessor family, the counter is called an index
register. It is an 8-bit register which is loaded from memory and has the
ability to have one added to it by an increment instruction (INX,INY) and
can be compared directly to memory using the compare index instruction
(CPX,CPY). Example 6.4 shows the program listing for the flow chart of
Figure 6.2.
Example 6.4: Moving Five Bytes of Data With Index Registers
2 LDX 0 Load Index With Zero
1 INX Increment Count
2 CPX 5 Compare For End
13 for Absolute
In this example, index register X is used as an index and as a
counter. It is initialized to zero. Data is fetched from memory at
the address "FIELD 1 plus the value of register X", and placed in A.
The data is then written from A to memory at the address "FIELD 2
plus the value of register X". Register X is incremented by one and
compared with 5 in order to determine if all five data values have
been transferred. If not the program loops back to LOOP. In this
example. "FIELD 1" is called the "Base Address" which is the address
to which indexing is referenced.
This only takes 11 or 13 bytes, depending on whether or not the
field is in Page Zero or in absolute memory. It still takes 13 or 15
cycles per byte moved, again confirming that loops are excellent for
coding space but not for execution time.
It can be seen from the example that there are basically two
criterias for an index register; one, that it be a register which is
easily incremented, compared, loaded, and stored, and two, that in a
single instruction one can specify both the Base Address and the
value of X.
In the MCS650X microprocessor, the way that the indexed instruction
is symbolically represented is OP CODE, Address, X. This
indicates to the symbolic assembler that an instruction OP CODE
should be picked, which should specify either the absolute address
modified by the content of index X register.
In performing these operations, the microprocessor fetches the
instruction OP CODE as previously defined, and fetches the address,
modifies the address from the memory by adding the index register to
it prior to loading or storing the value of memory.
The index register is a counter. As discussed previously, one
of the advantages of the flags in the microprocessor is that a value
can be modified and its results tested. Assume the last example is
modified so that instead of moving the first value in FIELD 1 to the
first value in FIELD 2, the last value in FIELD 1 is moved first to the
last value in FIELD 2, then the next to the last value, etc. and finally
the first value. With the index register preloaded with 5 and using
a decrement instruction the contents of the index register would
end at zero after the 5 fields of data were transferred. The zero
indicates that the number of times through the loop is correct and
the loop exited by use of the zero test. The program listing for
this modification is shown in Example 6.5:
Example 6.5: Moving Five Bytes of Data By Decrementing the Index
In this example, Index Register X is again used as an Address
Counter but it will count backwards. It is initialized to five for
this example. Data is fetched from memory at the address "FIELD 1 plus
the value of Register X" and placed in A. The data is then written
from A to memory at the address "FIELD 2 plus the value of Register X."
Register X is decremented by one. If the decremented value is not zero,
as determined by a Branch on Zero instruction, the program loops back
to LOOP.
The loop has been decreased to 9 or 11 bytes and the execution
time per byte has been decreased from 15 cycles to 13 cycles per value
which shows the advantage of using the flag setting of the decrement
index instruction.
The two index registers, X and Y, can now be added to the
system block diagram as in Figure 6.3
Each of the index registers is 8 bits long and is loaded and stored
from memory, using techniques similar to the accumulator. Because of this
ability, they can be considered as auxiliary channels to flow data
through the microprocessor. However, their primary use is in being
added to addresses fetched from memory to form a modified effective
address, as described previously. Both index registers have the ability
to be compared to memory (CPX,CPY) and to be incremented (INX,INY) and
decremented (DEX,DEY).
Because of OP CODE limitations, X and Y have slightly different
uses. X is a little more flexible because it has Zero Page operations
which Y does not have with exception of LDX and STX. Aside from which
modes they modify j the registers are autonomous j independent and of
equal value.
Absolute indexed address is absolute addressing with an index
register added to the absolute address. The sequences that occur for
indexed absolute addressing without page crossing are as follows:
Example 6.6: Absolute Indexed; With No Page Crossing
Address Data External Internal
Cycle Bus Bus Operation Operation
1 0100 OP CODE Fetch OP CODE Increment PC to 101,
Finish Previous
2 0101 BAL Fetch BAL Increment PC to 102,
Interpret In-
3 0102 BAH Fetch BAH Increment PC to 103,
Calculate BAL + X
5 103 Next OP Fetch Next Finish Operations
BAL and BAH refer to the low and high order bytes of the base address,
respectively. While the index X was used in Example 6.7, the index Y
is equally applicable.
If a page is not crossed, the results of the address low + X does
not cause a carry. The processor is able to pipeline the addition of the
8-bit index register to the lower byte of the base address (BAL) and not
suffer any time degradation for absolute indexed addressing over straight
absolute addressing. In other words, while BAH is being fetched, the
add of X to BAL occurs. Both addressing modes require four cycles with
the only difference being that X or Y must be set at a known value
and the OP CODE must indicate an index X or Y.
The second possibility is that when the index register is added
to the address low of the base address that the resultant address is
in the next page. This is illustrated in Example 6.7.
Example 6.7: Absolute Indexed; With Page Crossing
Address Data External Internal
Cycle Bus Bus Operation Operation
1 0100 OP CODE Fetch OP CODE Finish Previous
Operation Increment
PC to 101
2 0101 BAL Fetch BAL Interpret Instruction
Increment PC to 102
3 0102 BAH Fetch BAH Add BAL + Index
Increment PC to 103
4 BAH,BAL Data Fetch Data Add BAH + Carry
+X (Ignore) (Data is
5 BAH+1, Data Fetch Data
6 103 Next OP Fetch Next Finish Operation
The most substantial difference between the page crossing operation
and no page crossing is that during the fourth cycle, the address
high and the calculated address low is put out, thereby incorrectly
addressing the same page as the base address. This operation is carried
on in parallel with the adding of the carry to the address high.
During the fourth cycle the address high plus the carry from the adder
is put on the address bus, moving the operation to the next page. Thus
there are two effects from the page crossing. 1. The addressing of
a false address. This is similar to what happens in a branch relative
during a page crossing. 2. The operation takes one additional cycle
while the new address high is calculated. As with the branch relative
this page crossing occurs independently of programmer action and
there is no penalty in memory for having crossed the page boundary.
It is possible for the programmer to predict a page crossing by
knowing the value of the base address and the maximum offset value
in the index register. If timing is of concern, the base address
can be adjusted so that the address field is always in one page.
As with absolute addressing, absolute indexed is the most
general form of indexing. It is possible to do absolute indexed
modified by X, and absolute indexed modified by Y. Instructions
which allow absolute indexed by X are ADC, AND, ASL, CMP, DEC,
The instructions which allow indexed absolute by Y are ADC,
As with non-computed addressing, there is a memory use advantage
to the short-cut of Zero Page addressing. Except in LDX and STX
instructions which can be modified by Y, Zero Page is only available
modified by X. If the base address plus X exceeds the value that
can be stored in a single byte, no carry is generated, therefore
there is no page crossing phenomena. A wrap-around will occur within
Page Zero. The following example illustrates the internal operations
of Zero Page indexing.
Example 6.8: Illustration of Zero Page Indexing
Address Data External Internal
Cycle Bus Bus Operation Operation
1 0100 OP CODE Fetch OP CODE Finish Previous
Operation, 0101 → PC
2 0101 BAL Fetch Base Interpret Instruct-
Address Low ion, 0102 → PC
3 00,BAL Data Fetch Add: BAL + X
(Dis- Discarded
carded Data
4 00,BAL Data Fetch Data
5 0102 Next OP Fetch Next OP Finish Operation
As can be seen from the example, there is no time savings of Zero
Page indexing over absolute indexing without page crossing. In the case
of the indexed absolute during cycle 3 the address high is being
fetched at the same time as the addition of the index to address low.
In the case of the Zero Page, there is no opportunity for this type of
overlap; therefore, indexed Zero Page instructions take one cycle longer
than non-indexed instructions.
In both Zero Page indexed and absolute indexed with a page crossing,
there are incorrect addresses calculated. Provisions have been made to
make certain that only a READ operation occurs during this time. Memory
modifying operations such as STORE, SHIFT, ROTATE, etc. have all been
delayed until the correct address is available, thereby prohibiting any
possibility of writing data in an incorrect location and destroying
the previous data in that location.
As has been previously stated, there is no carry out of the Zero
Page operation. 00 is forced into address high under all circumstances
in cycle 4. For example, if the index register containing a value
of 10 is to be added to base address containing a value of F7, the
following operation would occur:
Example 6.9: Demonstrating the Wrap-Around
Cycle Address Bus Internal Operation
3 00F7 F7 + 10
4 0007
This indicated the wrap-around effect that occurs with Zero Page
indexing with page crossing. This wrap-around does not increase the
cycle time over that shown in the previous example.
Only index X is allowed as a modifier in Zero Page. Instructions
which have this feature include ADC, AND, ASL, CMP, DEC, EOR, INC, LDA,
LDY, LSR, OKA, ROL, SBC, STA and STY. Note that index Y is allowed in
the instructions LDX and STX.
In solving a certain class of problems, it is sometimes necessary
to have an address which is a truly computed value, not just a base
address with some type of offset, but a value which is calculated or
sometimes obtained as a group of addresses. In order to implement
this type of indexing or addressing, the use of indirect addressing
has been introduced.
In the MCS650X family indirect operations have a special form.
The basic form of the indirect addressing is that of an instruction
consisting of an OP CODE followed by a Zero Page address. The microprocessor
obtains the effective address by picking up from the Zero
Page address the effective address of the operation. The indirect
addressing operation is much the same as absolute addressing except
indirect addressing uses a Zero Page addressing operation to indirectly
access the effective address. In "the case of absolute
addressing the value in the program counter is used as the address to
pick up the effective address low, one is added to the program counter
which is used to pick up the effective address high. In the case
of indirect addressing, the next value after the OP CODE, as addressed
with the program counter, is used as a pointer to address the effective
address low in the zero page. The pointer is then incremented by
one with the effective address high fetched from the next memory
location. The next cycle places the effective address high (ADH) and
effective address low (ADL) on the address bus to fetch the data.
An illustration of this is shown in Figure 6.4.
The address following the instruction is really the address of an
address, or "indirect" address. The indirect address is represented
by IAL in the figure.
A more detailed definition of indirect addressing is included in
the appendix.
Although the MCS650X microprocessor family has indirect operations,
it has no simple indirect addressing such as described above. There
are two modes of indirect addressing in the MCS650X microprocessor
family? 1.) indexed indirect and 2.) indirect indexed.
The major use of indexed indirect is in picking up data from a
table or list of addresses to perform an operation. Examples where
indexed indirect is applicable is in polling I/O devices or performing
string or multiple string operations. Indexed indirect addressing
uses the index register X. Instead of performing the indirect as
shown in the Figure 6.4, the index register X is added to the Zero
Page address, thereby allowing varying address for the indirect
pointer. The operation and timing of the indexed indirect addressing
is shown in Figure 6.5.
Example 6.10: Illustration of Indexed Indirect Addressing
Address Data External Internal
Cycle Bus Bus Operation Operation
1 0100 OP CODE Fetch OP CODE Finish Previous
Operation, 0101 → PC
2 0101 BAL Fetch BAL Interpret In-
struction, 0102 → PC
3 00,BAL DATA (Dis- Fetch Discard- Add BAL + X
carded) ed Data
4 00,BAL ADL Fetch ADL Add 1 to BAL + X
+ X
5 00,BAL ADH Fetch ADH Hold ADL
+ X + 1
7 0102 Next OP Fetch Next OP Finish Operation
CODE 0103 → PC
One of the advantages of this type of indexing is that a 16-bit
address can be fetched with only two bytes of memory, the byte that
contains the OP CODE and the byte that contains the indirect pointer.
It does require, however, that there be a table of addresses kept in
a read/write memory which is more expensive than having it in read
only memory. Therefore, this approach is normally reserved for applications
where use of indexed indirect results in significant coding
or throughput improvement or where the address being fetched is a
variable computed address.
It is also obvious from the example that the user pays a minor time
penalty for this form of addressing in that indexed indirect always takes
six cycles to fetch a single operand which is 25% more than an absolute
address and 50% more than a Zero Page reference to an operand. As in
the Zero Page indexed, the operation in cycles three and four are
located in Zero Page and there is no ability to carry over into the next
page. It is possible to develop a value of the index plus the base
address where the result exceeded 255, in this case the address put out
is a wrap-around to the low part of the Page Zero.
Instructions which allow the use of indexed indirect are ADC, AND,
The indirect indexed instruction combines a feature of indirect
addressing and a capability of indexing. The usefulness of this instruction
is primarily for those operations in which one of several
values could be used as part of a subroutine. By having an indirect
pointer to the base operation and by using the index register Y in
the normal counter type form, one can have the advantages of an
address that points anywhere in memory, combined with the advantages
of the counter offset capability of the index register.
Figure 6.6 illustrates the indirect indexed concept in flow form
while Example 6.11 indicates the internal operation of a non-page rollover
of an indirect index.
Example 6.11: Indirect Indexed Addressing (No Page Crossing)
Address Data External Internal
Cycle Bus Bus Operation Operation
1 0100 OP CODE Fetch OP CODE Finish Previous
Operation, 0101 → PC
2 0101 IAL Fetch IAL Interpret In-
struction, 0102 → PC
3 00,IAL BAL Fetch BAL Add 1 to IAL
4 00,IAL BAH Fetch BAH Add BAL + Y
+ 1
5 BAH,BAL DATA Fetch Operand
+ Y
6 0102 Next OP Fetch Next OP Finish Operation
The indirect index still requires two bytes of program storage, one
for the OP CODE, one for the indirect pointer. Once beyond the indirect,
the indexing of the indirect memory location is just the same as though
it was an absolute indexed operation in the sense that if there is no
page crossing, pipelining occurs in the adding of the index register Y to
address low while fetching address high, and therefore, the non-page
crossing solution is one cycle shorter than the indexed indirect. In
Example 6.12 it is seen that the page crossing problem that occurs with
absolute indexed page crossing also occurs with indirect indexed addressing.
Example 6.12: Indirect Indexed Addressing (With Page Crossing)
Address Data External Internal
Cycle Bus Bus Operation Operation
1 0100 OP CODE Load OP CODE Finish Previous
Operation, 0101 → PC
2 0101 IAL Fetch IAL Interpret In-
struction, 0102 → PC
3 00,IAL BAL Fetch BAL Add 1 to IAL
4 00,IAL BAH Fetch BAH Add BAL to Y
+ 1
5 BAH,BAL DATA (Dis- Fetch Data Add 1 to BAH
+ Y carded) (Discarded)
6 BAH + 1 DATA Fetch Data
7 0102 Next OP Fetch Next OP Finish This
CODE CODE Operation,
0103 → PC
When there is a page crossing, the base address high and base
address low plus Y are pointing to an incorrect location within a
referenced page. However, it should be noted that the programmer has
control of this incorrect reference in the sense that it is always
pointing to the page of the base address. In one more cycle the correct
address is referenced. As was true in the case of absolute indexed,
the data at the incorrect address is only read. STA and the various
read, modify, write memory commands all operate assuming that there
will be a page crossing, take the extra cycle time to perform the add
and carry and only perform a write on the sixth cycle rather than
taking advantage of the five cycle short-cut which is available to
read operations. This added cycle guarantees that a memory location
will never be written into with incorrect data.
Instructions which allow the use of indexed indirect are ADC, AND,
In the following two examples can be seen a comparison between
the use of absolute modified by Y and indirect indexed addressing.
In these examples the same function is performed. Values from
two memory locations are added and the result stored in a third
memory location, assuming that there are several values to be added.
The first example deals with known field locations. The second
example, such as might be traditionally used in subroutines, deals
with field locations that vary between routines. A two byte pointer
for each routine using the subroutine is stored in Page Zero.
The number of values to be added for each routine is also stored.
Example 6.13: Absolute Indexed Add - Sample Program
#Bytes Cycles Label Instruction Comments
2 2 START LDY #COUNT -1 Set Y = End of FIELD
3 4 LOOP LDA FIELD 1,Y Load Location 1
3 4 ADC FIELD 2,Y Add Location 2
3 4 STA FIELD 3,Y Store in Location 3
1 2 DEY
2 3 BPL LOOP Check for Less Than Zero
__ __ _____________________________________________
14 19 Time for 10 Bytes = 171 Cycles
Example 6.14: Indirect Indexed Add - Sample Program
#Bytes Cycles Label Instruction Comments
2 2 START LDY #COUNT -1 Set Y = End of FIELD
2 5 LOOP LDA (PNT1),Y Load FIELD 1 Value
2 5 ADC (PNT2),Y Add FIELD 2 Value
2 5 STA (PNT3),Y Store FIELD 3 Value
1 2 DEY
__ __ _____________________________________________
11 22 Time for 10 Bytes = 201 Cycles
The "count" term in these examples represents the number of sets
of values to be added and stored. Loading the index register with
COUNT-1 will allow a fall through the BPL instruction when computation
on all set of values has been completed.
There is a definite saving in program storage using indirect because
it only requires two bytes for each indirect pointer, the OP CODE
plus the pointer of the Page Zero location, whereas in the case of the
absolute, it takes three bytes, the OP CODE, address low and address
It is noted that there are six bytes of Page Zero memory used for
pointers, two bytes for each pointer. The number of memory locations
allocated to the problem are 17 for the indirect and 14 for the problem
where the values are known. The execution time is longer in the indirect
loop. Even though the increase in time for a single pass
through the loop is only three cycles, if many values are to be transferred,
it adds up. It is important to note that loops require time
for setup but it is only used once. But in the loop itself, additional
time is multiplied by the number of times the program goes through
the loop; therefore, on problems where execution time is important,
the time reduction effort should be placed on the loop.
Even though the loop time is longer and the actual memory expended
is greater for the indexed indirect add, it has the advantage of not
requiring determination of the locations of FIELD 1, FIELD 2, and FIELD
3 at the time the program was written as is necessary with absolute.
An attempt to define problems to take advantage of this shorter
memory and execution time by defining fields should be investigated
first. However, in almost every program, the same operation must be
performed several times. In those cases, it is sometimes more useful
to define a subroutine and set the values that the subroutine will
operate on as fields in memory. Pointers to these fields are placed
in the Zero Page of memory and then the indexed indirect operation
is used to perform the function. This is the primary use of the
indexed indirect operation.
In the case of all of the indirect operations previously described,
the indirect reference was always to a Page Zero location from which
is picked up the effective address low and effective address high.
There is an exception in the MCS650X microprocessor family for the jump
instruction in which absolute indirect jumps are allowed. The use of
the absolute indirect jump is best explained in the discussion on
interrupts where the addressing mode and its capabilities are explained.
As has been developed in many of the previous examples, an index
register has primary values as a modifier and as a counter. As a
modifier to a base address operation, it allows the accessing of
contiguous groups of data by simple modification of the index. This
is the primary application of indexes and it is for this purpose they
were created. By virtue of the fact that all of the MCS650X instructions
have the base address in the instruction, or in the case of the indirect,
in the pointer, a single index can usually be used to service
an entire loop, because each of the many instructions in the loop
normally are referring to the same relative value in each of the lists.
An example is adding the third byte of a number to its corresponding
third byte of another number, then storing the result in the memory
location representing the third byte of the result; therefore, the
index register only needs to contain three to accomplish all three of
these offset functions.
Some other microprocessors use internal registers as indirect pointers.
The single register requirement is a significant advantage of
the type of indexing done in the MCS650X. Even though the MCS650X has
two indexes, more often than not, a single index will solve many of
the problems because of the fact that the data is normally organized
in corresponding fields.
The second feature of the MCS650X type of indexing is that, if used
properly, the index register also contains the count of the operations
to be performed.
The examples have tried to show how to take advantage of that
feature. There are two approaches to counting; forward counting and
reverse counting. In forward counting, the data in memory can be
organized such that the index register starts at zero and is added
to on each successive operation. The disadvantage of this type of
approach is that the compare index instruction, as used in Example
6.13 must be inserted into the loop in order to determine that the
correct number of operations is completed.
The reverse counting approach has been used in the latter
examples. The data must be organized for reverse counting operation.
The first value to be operated on is at the end of the FIELD, the
next value is one memory location in front of that, etc. The advantage
of this type of operation is that it takes advantage of the
combined decrement and test capability of the processor. There are
two ways to use the test. First there is the case where the actual
number of operations to be performed is loaded into the index register
such as was done in Example 6.13. In this case, the index contains
the correct count but if added to the base directly, would be pointing
to one value beyond the FIELD because the base address contains
the first byte. Therefore, when using the actual count in the index
register, one always references to the base address minus one. This
is easily accomplished as shown in the examples. The cross assembler
accepts symbolic references in the form of base address minus one,
and the microprocessor very carefully performs the operation shown.
The advantage of putting the actual count in the register is
that the branch if not equal instruction CBNE) can be used because
the value of the register goes to zero on the last operation.
The second alternative is to load the counter with the count
minus one as done in Example 6.14. In this case, the actual value of
the base address is used in the offset. However, the branch back
to loop now is a branch plus, remembering that the value in the index
register will not go to minus (all ones) until we decrement past zero.
Values of count minus one through zero will all take the branch.
It is only when attempting to reference less than the base address
that the loop will be completed.
Either approach gives minimum coding and only requires that
the user develop a philosophy of always organizing his data with
the first value at the end. In many cases, the operations such as
MOVE can be performed even if the data is organized the other way.
Experienced programmers find that this reverse counting form is
actually more convenient to use and always results in minimum loop
time and space.
Although for most applications, the 8-bit index register allows
simple count in offset operations, there are a few operations where
the 256 count that is available in the 8-bit register is not enough
problem. First, to code the program with two sets of bases, that
is duplicating the coding for the loop with two different address
highs, each one a page apart. The second, more useful solution, is
to go to indirect operations because the indirect pointer can be
modified to allow an infinite indexed operation. An example of the
move done under 256 and over 256 is shown in the following example:
Example: 6.16: Move N Bytes (N<256)
───────────── ───────────────────
Number of Program Instruction OPERAND
Cycles Label Mnemonics FIELD Comments
2 LDX #BLOCK Setup 2 Cycles
4 STA TO -1,X LOOP Time:
2 DEX 13 cycles
Memory Required:
11 Bytes
Example 6.17: Move N Bytes (N>256)
Number of Program Instruction operand
Cycles Label Mnemonics FIELD Comments
2 LDA #FROMH Move from address to
3 STA FRPOINT + 1 an indirect pointer
Move A to address
3 STA TOPOINT to an index pointer
2 LDX #BLOCKS Setup # of 256 blocks
2 LDY #0 to move
5 LOOP LDA (FRPOINT),Y Loop time: 16 cycles/
6 STA (TOPOINT),Y byte. Move 256 bytes
5 SPECIAL INC FRPOINT + 1 Increase high
5 INC TOPOINT + 1 pointer
2 BMI OUT Check for last move
3 BNE LOOP Setup last move
OUT --- ---
Memory Required:
40 Bytes